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Personal Information

  • Martial Art(s)
    Barking Spider
  • Location
  • Interests
    Martial Arts ofcourse! Cars, body building, my wife
  • Occupation
    Systems Engineer

orion82698's Achievements

Brown Belt

Brown Belt (7/10)



  1. I can tell you that I smoked for over 13 years. I quit 15 months ago, and have never looked back. Before, I was a pain to climb steps, now I'm running 3-4 miles a night and doing heavy lifts. I would say to anyone who smokes, that there is no benifit from it, you will die one day (probably caused by it) and it's a waste of money. Cold turkey is the best way to go!
  2. I think you're going to be hard pressed to find any dojo that doesn't do a brief warm-up before hand. True, people should be conditioning outside, but if something were to do wrong due to lack of lack of proper calisthenics well... let's just say it's a sue happy world On a side note, there aren't many Krav Maga places in Maryland. I know a big one just opened up in Columbia, MD. From the looks of there site, they look expensive. Whcih dojo are you a part of?
  3. Shogeri, There are people that I have meet that are old than you, bigger than you and have turned their body around. You too can do this! We can work on this together. I'm still trying to get down. I was at 36% BF, now under 16%I got 5 months until my beach vacation, and nothing is stopping me. You can do it too!
  4. Yup. Heard about it a while ago. Adrian is dead? What is going to modivate him now? Did you know he's also doing a Rambo 4? Yup! Check out IMDB, it shows it
  5. I'm probably going to get hydrostatically (Water tank tested) weighed here in about another month or two. I'm nearing 14%, and I hate using calipers.
  6. Man, I just cannot imagine Christmas without cold weather/snow But a BBQ sounds awesome!
  7. Well, forgive me for not posting mine then -I love trips to New York (My wife and I have made a tradition that every year we go to New York, spend the night in Manhattan, checkout the tree at rockfeller and see the rockettes Christmas show) -Every year at this time we also get tickets to see the Tran Siberian Orhestra -Driving around looking at Christmas lights -Eating off my diet -Friends and family that I don't get to see but once a year
  8. Van Halen "Right Now" Chemical Bro's "name of the game" The Laser dance song from Oceans 12 Anything from Shinedown and Chevelle
  9. Ok, I cannot find this song on the soundtrack listing (Typical). I'm looking on Amazon, and it's not there. The song is when Uma is about to figh Lucy lou. The song starts off with clapping. Anyone know it??????
  10. What's so dangerous about skullcrushers? I have heard more and more people dropping the bar on their heads. Hence the namd "Skull Crusher" I do it with a low cable pully machine. This way, If I cannot make it and hit muscle failure (Like I do almost every time with Super sets) I just let I go, and it flings back.
  11. Are sugar plums dancing in your heads yet? What is your favorite part about your holiday season? Christmas and hanukkah?
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