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Everything posted by wc1978

  1. Thanks for all the advice guys
  2. Yeah i agree you dont want to minimise too much pain but i dont mind the pain of the punch but i do mind getting lingering headaches. The defender is geared up with headgear and the attacker has the ufc type gloves. These gloves dont offer much padding and when i cop a punch it often gives me a headache almost immediately. I thought the other guy could wear the boxing gloves and hopefully that way i could avoid the headaches.
  3. siufeifei i am looking for some gloves with good padding to cushion the punches from my partner. Currently we have been a bit short on cash and have just been using one pair of the ufc type gloves that are open handed like you said and also one item of protective head gear with a grill on it like you mentioned. The attacker wears the gloves and the defender wears the headgear. I removed the detachable grill because i couldnt see half of the punches coming. I couldnt agree more with the gum shield idea, that is next on my agenda. I just find that when i make a mistake with my defence and cop a punch I get a headache because he can deliver a reasonable amount of power in his strikes. The gloves we will be using will be worn by the attacker the other person just wears the head gear. We are practicing self defense drills ie the attacker will try to hit the other person with a certain punch or combo and the other will defend.
  4. I think you may have a point there tufrthanu, i think not knowing what the other person is capable of is a big part of it. I will continue my sparring and training and hope for an improvement in my confidence.
  5. Thanks JeetKuneDo It was a good article and something i will try to keep in mind.
  6. Thanks for the reply Straight Blast, it has to do more with body size or their attitude. I find i get intimidated by aggressive people, especialy if they are larger. This is something i must work on as i reckon in a real fight i would be too defensive.
  7. Thankyou for your reply tufrthanu, I already have head gear but the partner i spar with can deliver a pretty decent punch and i thought any extra padding between my head and his fist would be welcome! Anyway getting belted does keep you on your toes technique wise as you know the consequesnces of making a mistake. I just want to get a bit more protection to try and stop getting a headache after a few punches, may have to slow things down a bit and work harder on my tecnique. Anyway thanks again for replying it is very frusterating when no one can be bothered replying to your post.
  8. thanks for all the advice guys!
  9. sorry for double posting but i cant seem to find the thread i last went to. I have just started sparring and am looking for some good gloves but am a little unsure of the oz rating on them. Is this weight determined by the size of the glove ie someone with big hands uses 16oz or does oz refer to the amount of padding ? Please reply because i want to get the right type, i am getting quite a few headaches from punches to the head and am looking for optimal padding in the gloves to use in addition to my head gear.
  10. my father ane me made one out of a log offcut that was used as stumps for a building near where i used to work. the arms and base are made out of metal. worked out well, have put rubber tubing over teh arms for padding and just need to add strike pads to it now.
  11. please excuse my ignorance but is the oz used to rate boxing gloves just the overall weight due to size of the glove ie bigger hands or is it thicker? I have just started doing a bit of sparring and am using the type of mits they use in ufc and headgear. After getting belted in the head from a few solid punches and getting a reasonable headache i thought getting boxing gloves would be a better choice as it would cushion the blow better when i get hit, but i dont know what oz to get, any suggestions?
  12. Another thing to consider is that it was also dangerous to wait at the scene of the crime because the owner of the car may believe you did it. This happened to my brother in law, he walked past a car and the alarm went off(not sure if he bumped it or what), anyway the owner and his friends ran out and beat the crap out of him assuming he was trying to break into the car. Better off just reporting it straight away and no one staying behind, especialy on their own.
  13. Glad to see the ideas towards the end of this forum contained some reason. I dont know about you guys but i never want to kill anyone, so discussing the best blows for a single kill shot (like those discussed on the first couple of posts) seem rather crazy to me, Fair enough if it is life or death situation for you but I would rather read about the effective non lethal strikes like the nose etc.
  14. Hi guys just wanted some ideas on preparing myself mentaly. I am a shy person by nature and when i was younger got bullied a bit. Now i feel like if i was attacked that i would most likely try and fend the guy off and probably end up getting the crap kicked out of me. I am 26 years old and am 5'9 and about 70kg. I have been training on and off in wing chun and have gained some confidence but i feel that i have sort of a mental block like i dont think i can win and will just get hurt more if i resist. That is obviously a stupid idea but it can be my gut reaction. On the other hand if it is someone i know i dont get intimidated and can realy blow my top and fight hard, just wish i could do that with strangers. I have recently started some contact type sparring to get over my fear of getting hit using head gear and mits but find it an unpleasant experience as getting belted in the head till you get a headache isnt exactly fun but will try and persevere with it. I am thinking of maybe doing some boxing to get used to fighting someone in a semi serious way although actual arranged fights are a bit too full on to me, i dont really want brain damage! I also plan to try and add some more muscle to my frame and try and train a lot more regularly as i havent trained much in the last 2 yrs or so due to other committments. Any ideas on trying to overcome those inner demons and gain some confidence without getting killed?
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