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Bretty101's Achievements

Green Belt

Green Belt (5/10)



  1. Hi all, I'm mostly a taekwondo fighter, but love Muay Thai. I think it's the best martial art there is. Anyway. I'm looking for the clip of the thai boxer fighting and winning against a Taekwondo fighter. I'm sure it's been put on here somewhere. Anyone know where i can find it? Thanks! Bretty
  2. Hi people, Does anyone know where i can find the clip (mpeg) of the thai boxer beating a wtf taekwondo fighter? I'm sure it's been posted on here before but can't find it. Thanks!! Bretty
  3. it took me 4.5 years to get my 1st dan (shoulda been 3.5 but i fell out with my instructor). then another 6 years til i took my 2nd dan (could have done it in 2 years but was in no hurry despite training every day) I've been a 2nd dan for 3years and plan to take my 3rd dan around christmas time. I could have been a 4th degree 'master' by now but I really can't see how i will ever master tkd, I train 4 times a week and every lesson i learn more and more and realise my potential. Taekwondo forever, just love it!!! Bretty
  4. Spinning hook kicks are difficult to coach without seeing you do it. a few pointers though: Sometimes when learning it you try and think about it too much, just throw it and let it go! The position of your standing foot during the kick can really effect your final kicking position try playing your standing leg positioning when you 'land' the kick. Try leaning back more and also leaning forwards more this can totally transform a kick. Initiate the spin with your upper body and arms get your head round to spot the target then transfer that energy into the kicking leg. This can be quite obvious to an opponent but can also totally transform the kick. Try throwing it straight leg all the way round (spinning round house) or throw it our like a reverse side kick then hook it back. Try before you throw the kick turning your lead leg round so your lead heel is pointing at your target, then pivot your body round n let the kick go. Try playing with it there are so many variations and angles, no right or wrong way. Bretty
  5. Congratulations! Excuse my ignorance but whats a cho dan? Bretty
  6. Have you seen many 6foot tall koreans? Taekwondo is designed for smaller people. Some of the fastest TKD people I've seen are around 5 feet tall and can fight anyone. My master instructor is just over 5foot tall and about 120lbs. you can kick him across the floor and before your leg touches the floor he is right back in your face with really hard punches and kicks. Unbelievably quick!!! Because of him I will never listen when people say they are too small to fight. He can fight and beat almost anyone! Bretty
  7. Erm no... Gravity is in fact a force, (F=GMm/r^2) this force f you feel as f=mg where m is your mass in kg and g is the gravitational constant. (which for earth is 9.81) as f=ma=mg, a is therefore 9.81m/s/s which is the rate at which all objects fall towards earth regardless of weight. Force is not the result of acceleration. de/acceleration is the result of a force. Try and give me another example of a force resulting from an acceleration... An object continues at rest or uniform motion unless an external force is applied. (Newtons 1st law) It's been 5 years since i learnt this stuff. Some more physics stuff that will do your head in: 1 cubic metre of air weighs about 1.02kg, and the sound of a travelling bullet actually reaches you before the bullet does, so you might actually hear it!
  8. I love these discussions, It is so tricky to apply physics to martial arts. Especially as Jerry says using newtonion pointal physics. I think the key is speed (or velocity) and how you utilise your body weight (mass). These factors we all agree are important. When applying equations it all gets a little tricky as the amount of weight (or mass) in the strike is so variable, and it's motion can be rotational and/or linear. when you throw a punch what is it's mass on impact? your fist, arm or whole body? It all depends on what and how you utilise it. How is force/power connected to acceleration? The equation F=ma is more acurately expressed as a=F/m. Meaning acceleration and deceleration are the result of a force not vice versa (force a result of acceleration.) I did physics at school and even have an engineering degree (I was never any good at english) I wouldn't even start to look at physics too closely. However on the simple basis that mass and velocity are the key to power. I'll try and strike as fast as i can with my whole body and tense on impact to deliver maximum mass at maximum speed. Bretty
  9. Sticky - yeah!!!! Good stuff!! Bretty
  10. Thats weird i'm suffering the exact same thing today as a result of my saturday training. For me It feels like both my hip aDductors are spasming. I think it's cramp bought on from training dehydrated. both my muscles feel part contracted and hurt loads, even walking is difficult. I'm certain it's not an injury cos it's the same in both legs. I've had this before in my calves and I find i get it if i train a muscle really hard when it's been neglected for a while. I think it is you bodies response to over stretching. The muscle is contracted to prevent further/any injury. I know it will go in a couple of days, the weird thing is mine didn't start until 24hours after my training? I find my have eased a lot by sitting in the bath, using warming muscle rubs, really really steady stretching and massage. Bretty
  11. Fourth degree ITF TKD kicking pattern with lots of kicks has to be... Moonmoo Awesome pattern with slow motion and fast high level kicks ace!!! Bretty
  12. I have absolutley no research to back up or agree with the taking on more salt to help cramps. It was just something my brother mentioned and he's the kinda person thats usually right about these things. On the other hand my Girlfriends dad is a professor of food science and he won't even touch salt?!?! Hope i didn't mislead anyone, Bretty
  13. Sorry didn't get time to read everyone elses replys but had a scan through and agree about the dehydration. I found I dehydrated when using glucosamine and also suffered really bad cramps. And it was true for me that this was really relieved with increase fluid intake. also try consuming a little more salt thats supposed to be good for cramps etc. Bretty
  14. I was elected club president/captain of a large university taekwondo club 3 years ago. Between me and the rest or of the committee we really nailed the recruitment. We intercepted every single student that registered for the university in the first week 40,000+ and made sure every single one was handed a flyer. We also focussed on recruiting females, knowing that if the club was full of girls the men will follow. Between handing out flyers we put up loads of posters with a single picture of somthing cool (charlies angles, buffy vampire slaugher, people doing big kicks, etc) and a note advertising a demonstration and first free lessons. The other cool thing we did was dress up in animal suits with our training suits on top and ran around the university campus giving out flyers and doing sparring and demonstrations. This got everyone talking and showed the club and it's light hearted nature. We managed to recruit over 500 students that year, making the club the universities second largest sports club!!! I know this sounds like we created a McDojo but considering all the students were aged between 20-25 the result is a larger club with a very high standard. Bretty
  15. I went to Seni the year before last, some good demos, Something for everyone/style and loads of cheap gear!!! And is right next to the train station. I can't make it down this weekend. I've got a martial arts ball, squad training and tournament all on consecutive days. Drinking and fighting I don't think seni can match that!! Bretty
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