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  • Martial Art(s)
    American Karate
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ladyj's Achievements

Yellow Belt

Yellow Belt (2/10)



  1. They are just trying to get the belts, but they are required to stay in a sparring stance. We were just doing this with our beginners and our advanced and jr black belts requested to do it as well.
  2. Relax. You don't have to prove anything to anyone but yourself. Stay focused on the task at hand.
  3. Karategirl, does your style teach projection?
  4. Go to some of the local dojos in the area. Even if they don't offer Krav Maga, they may be able to direct you to a school who does. Good Luck.
  5. marie we have a belt game. We took two different colored belts and cut them into 3 16-18 inch strips. We give each student 3 belts and they place them under their belt on the left /right sides and one in back. They are placed in a sparring stance and the object is to take your opponents belts away. This is very effective at teaching them how to close the gap while sparring, not to mention it builds their confidence and they become less afraid of being hit. Good luck.
  6. You have to base your contact on each ring set up. Generally you have different judges and each time you compete you have to adjust according to what they are allowing. It is always good if you can watch a match or two in the ring before its your turn.
  7. The sad part about this show is that it gives us all a bad name. The behavior they are displaying is not how a martial artist should behave. The general public thinks all martial arts are pretty much the same therefore we all look like we behave that way.
  8. ladyj

    Sad News

    Unfortunately this news is true. He passed away on the 3rd. Mr. Eubanks has been a friend of my sensei for many years and I came up through the ranks having the privilage of knowing him. He has inspired and touched many people over the years with his wisdom and kindness. The martial arts world has truly lost someone special.
  9. Take into consideration what it is that you like. Can you see the application for the style in a modern time, does the style fit your body type? I approach my students individually, according to what body type they have, not by omitting a technique but by using a variation that is fitting for them.. a side kick to the knee instead of the chest or head. Also are you aggressive or passive, this will make a difference in the art you choose. Good luck and if you try one and decide it's not for you(after you have given it a fair chance) then try another until you find what you are looking for.
  10. As a female martial artist I have a question for you guys. I am 5"5in 140lbs, and I lift and do cardio three times per week, so if it is just physical why would I continue to train in martial arts?
  11. Can you explain what your asking... Going forward?
  12. Since I know you are new to meditation, I will teach you the way I teach my beginner students. It is very simple, so simple you will find it hard to believe. (if you are tired you will go to sleep during this process, so you can use it at night to help you get to sleep). Make sure you will have some privacy, you don't want other people or things (radio/tv) to draw your attention away. First find a comfortable place to sit or lie down Close your eyes, and see the number 25 in your mind, inhale and as you exhale slowly see the number change to 24. Keep repeating until you reach 0. Your mind will wander off, this is normal, just bring your attention back to the number and continue. After you practice this for a while you will notice that your mind will begin to wander off less and less, and the whole process will require less time. If you don't feel more relaxed after the countdown, repeat it. The secret to meditation is discipline. The more you do it the better you get, which in turn makes your experience better and eventually it will become second nature. I encourage you to do your homework, but don't look under the metaphysical catagories, look under science. I'm a nurse and have recently gone back to further my education and they are teaching us how to teach our patients how to meditate to assist with the healing process and also for pain control.
  13. Sensei Rick enough said. I worked hard to get to black belt level and I continue to strive for excellence. I can not place a price on what I have learned and the things I am still learning. My belt holds an unlimited sentimental value. It is a reminder of the long hard road to BB, the battles I won and lost, and the blood, sweat and tears the belt its self holds. Each time I put my belt on it reminds me of where I came from and how I got here, and that I can pass this great knowledge on to others. You give them the tools necessary for the task but they make the choice to work with them or lay them aside.
  14. Mr. Mike, Be proactive not reactive. Get him away from your children. You have experienced just a taste of what reactive with him would be, now imagine what would happen if he laid a hand on your children. Your children need a father there to protect them and you can't do that if you are in jail. Yes it would be an awesome defense that your child was in danger but the argument would be that you allowed him to live there knowing who and what he is. do you really want to leave your fate in the hands of a mixed jury where it could go either way. As for your sister you can't make her change. Be supportive, but she will only change when the pain she feels now is greater than the fear of the unknown that change represents. She is comfortable in her situation and the thought of change scares her to much. My prayers are with you and your children.
  15. Set up an obstacle course. Put the mats on the floor for rolls, we have a practice balance beam, rebreakable board stations etc. The children beg to do this. We split the class into teams and make it a race.
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