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Drunken Master

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Everything posted by Drunken Master

  1. Apologies first as this question has probably been asked a thousand times but I couldn't find any reference to it. Essentially I wanted to know why Martial Art's are actually called 'Martial Art's? What does the term 'Martial' have to do with everything.
  2. There are loads of different styles out there. I was just wondering if everyone could help add to and complete this list. What I wanted to know was how many different styles their are out their and from what part of the world they originate from. To start I have compiled the following list. Aikido (Japan) Hwa Rang Do (Korea) Karate (Japan) Kung Fu (China) Muay Thai (Thailand) Taekwon-Do (Korea)
  3. The movie is also being release on the same day here in the UK. Which essentially means we get to see it 8 hours before you gusy in the US. Doesn't really bother me, but there are people out there who it will bother. Just how sad is that?
  4. Squash is probably my favourite sport. A superb way to unwind and get fit too. If you do want further info on the sport I would recommend the following sites. http://www.squash.org/ http://www.guide-to-squash.org/
  5. Are you trying to tell me that the picture at the top of the page is in fact a bloke. Blimey
  6. I am in Surrey and am an ITF Taekwon-Do student. I think we should put a list of UK members together with their locations and arts. I was gonna post one but I'm a bit busy at the moment. Sorry.
  7. Tae-Bo is to Martial Arts what Boxercise is to Boxing. It is merely mimicking movements that are fun and simple to perform to help raise your heart rate, and in turn help you to stay fit. Personally I would rather go for a run or a bike ride.
  8. I am a ITF Taekwon-Do student and would highly recommend it. Also, in just the same way it is good to join a gym near you, I would say the same about a studying a martial art. If your club is close you are also more likely to keep going. For info on ITF Taekwon-Do check out [link]https://www.itf-taekwondo.com[/link]
  9. All the black belt's (1st and 2nd Dan) I have met in ITF Taekwon-Do have been more than knowledgeable enough to teach. That doesn't mean they would make good teachers but they do have the technical knowhow necessary to be able to teach. So my answer is a big YES I would take lessons from a 1st or 2nd Dan.
  10. :karate:Could someone tell me at how many posts we are awarded with our next Karateforums belt. Yes I know that the colour of your belt doesn't matter, but you have to admit the black ones look really cool.
  11. I'm an ITF Taekwon-Do 7th kup student and really enjoying it. Our instructor is really good and the classes are very professional. Because our class is so good it is really dissapointing to hear all the bad things that people say about Taekwon-Do. It was only recently that these bad things seem to be pointed at WTF schools or McDojos who use Taekwon-Do as their style name because most people have heard of it. As you are training is both camps, could you let us all know what you honestly think of both organisations.
  12. I have sent it to everyone I know. All of us being English finding it very funny. :kaioken:
  13. Superb site. The guy next to me at work has been learning this style for a while now and keeps talking about it. After looking at this I will have much more of an idea what he is talking about.
  14. I started Taekwon-Do because it looked like the best martial art class in the area. And before any suggests I am talking rubbish I am not talking about WTF Taekwon-Do but in fact ITF Taekwon-Do. The classes are physically hard and are above all fun. I have been training now for over a year and am now 7th kup (Green Tag) and going for my green belt in 3 months.
  15. Hi everyone, I live in Surrey, United Kindom and am a Taekwon-Do (ITF) practitioner, and also have a small amount of Aikido experience. Love sport, keeping fit, eating, cinema and socialising in any shape or form. Hate cold rainy weather. I look forward to meeting you all in the forums.
  16. I have done this exercise in class before. It's brilliant as although it's hard when you do it the real pain can't be felt until you wake in the morning and attempt to get out of bed or walk up stairs. Superb exercise that everyone should try.
  17. Does anyone know of any food or supplements that can help in the fight to reach ultimate flexibility, i.e. the splits.
  18. 62wpm. And here is the funny bit. I am a guy, well last time I checked anyway. It is so funny seeing people faces when they see my fingers going into overdrive.
  19. Just wanted to say hello to everyone in the forum. One of the best most comprehensive forums I have seen on martial arts. So thats a big from me.
  20. Absolutely brilliant. Does anyone else have anything similar of different styles.
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