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Personal Information

  • Martial Art(s)
    Kyokushin -self taught boxing, kickboxing with a dash of muay thia(whatever works)
  • Location
    yo mama
  • Interests
    Martial arts, weightlifting

Rock-fght's Achievements

Yellow Belt

Yellow Belt (2/10)



  1. what good would they do for streanghth and cardio. How good are they overall.
  2. this style is a little more rugged than shotokan. I think its related to Kyokushin but they dont go by that name. More light sparing and moving around. doesent hit to the face (dissaponting), Knee and groin. no gloves. what do you think of street practicality? not hitting to the face is a major handicap. I was training for kickboxing before I went to this class and it seems im the most athletic student there. has enyone heard of this type of Karate.
  3. MIne is tan skin, light blue eyes, blond hair and freckles around her eyes. Theres a girl i know like that and I cant stop staring But I dont want to look like a stalker. I have black hair whit skin and brown eyes. The thing is Is that I think im going to marry someone with brown hair, tan skin and brown eyes. (sigh) I Know a girl like that already. its obviouse we like eachother but shes 12 and im 15 weird but ill be 21 when shees 18.
  4. because I go to school. should i do bag work twice on saturday or somthing? or do them on both saturday and sunday. but then I wouldent have many rest days (onely wendsday) and wouldent 2 bag days back to back be detramental.
  5. If I was doing kickboxing, muay thai or boxing it would obviously put less mucles on me than weightlifting and probobly you would have less fat doing kcikboxing, muay thai or boxing. My question is that how much mucles would you gain compaired to wightlifting. Ive sacraficed some weight training to get in (Hmm how do you spell that word?)somemore bagwork. but i still want to get big. not huge but big. What if I was onely doing a striking art and not weghtlifting. also im doing weight workouts 2X a week now instead of 4X (I replaced the other days with bagwork). will this empare my muscle growth? could the bag work replace the workouts im missing?
  6. 1.) Isometrics 2.) weightlifting 3.) technique (bone alighnment, hip swing, leg thrust etc. ) 4.) Hand toughening 5.) speed bags (for speed of course) 7.) strong arm stabilizer mucles (rotator cuffs) 8.) Heavy bag work 9.) Persistance 10.) TIME!!!! (As in years) any others
  7. Ive gone over this with other dummys on other forums before ...Beat on the marawaka and when you develope calloses, go bare knuckle on the bag. The reason is that you can develope skin toughnss before you can develope bone and tendon desity. remember do forarm & grip exersises.
  8. O sorry, your brother has small genitals did I spell it right?
  9. I Your brother probobly has small geitals if he onely feels a few seconds of pian
  10. Take a look at this hounted house if you look closely enuf you can see a white screaming ghost face.... http://www.henry.martinez.net/misc/whatswrong.htm
  11. What is the best exersise here for adding bulk on your shoulders. if its not listed then post.
  12. I have had a heavy bag and have trained vigorosly with it for more than 4 years now. NineTailedFox, if your going to upgrade to a 100 lbs bag make sure your hands and feet are up to it. and also I do side kicks on my heavy bag, which is around 140lbs and half filled with sand, and I dont have a problem. It seems you just need more practice. I know, from experience, that the side kick is hard to get the dinamics and technique right, but once you get the hang of it youll see that its not the heavy bag its YOU. also DO NOT GET a 150lbs bag that few extra pounds are Allot and youll definitly notice. youll also probobly hurt yourself and be frustrated because the bag seems like its winning because it dosent even give or wobble when you hit it thus your doing your power harm because you wont be able to "Dirll through" your target thus leaving out resistance part of the workout getting a stinky workout. id say, work up to it like I did. (I stared with 100lbs bag)
  13. The jab, for me is my best punch in my arselal. I worship the jab. Its a very deceptive and annoying punch and can be used to catch even quick people off gaurd. once, when i was boxing (just for fun of course) the whole fight I onely hit him with a right hook, which by the way, knocked him stumbling sideways but not a knock out, The man was fast enuf to dodge my power shots but I quickly pester him with a jab when he got ready to attack or some times i would just pop him one. He one on points, but his eyes where puffy and he had some bleeding but me I was satisfied because I was unscathed (because my gaurd is great) All the post here are great. I recomend mixing up your streghnth and snappy jabs so you can catch them off gaurd with a strong one when they where setting up for an assult of there own and keep snapping the fast ones ramdomly. also if you catch them follow up with a cross.
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