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eggdropsoup's Achievements

White Belt

White Belt (1/10)



  1. actualy cross i do do combos. i do them on sater days only. i think my speed and power has been improving. my brother just filled our bag with ton of bull#### to(sand and rags). he just made it as hard as a rock. i dont think itll help much cause all its doing is torturing our hands. but he thinks itll make our hands tougher. so i guess if it makes him happy its alright and yes seven star im mostly self taught. i sometimes get advice from my dad who was at one time a martial artist not world wide but he was blue belt in akido and black belt and karate.also ive heard that some self taught fighters became realy good.
  2. that badger song was stupid!!!!! you want to see something funny look at joecartoon.com
  3. hey son goku arent you also on fightingarts.com? cause there was akid on there that said he could shoot kai balls and stuff. then everyone started making fun of him.
  4. iim not sure but maybe you can go and fart on him. if you want to get demoted thats a good thing to do. it will also piss him off pretty badly!
  5. iim not sure but maybe you can go and fart on him. if you want to get demoted thats a good thing to do.
  6. wow then that must realy work then. never thought of that. thanks!
  7. i want to ask your guys opinion on my bag scheduale all of these punches i workout with both right and left: jabs: 100x cross:100x hooks (from front):100x hooks(from back):100x also i lift weights. this is arm scheduale: tuesday:barbell curls and skull crushers(double set)(i work volume on my work outs) shoulder workouts(i forgot what there called) friday:concentration curls tricept dips shoulder workout on monday and thursday i do chest and back. it would be great if you gave your opinion.
  8. you can still use the bag to do uppercuts to practice form. also you can shadowbox to also improve techniqe.
  9. hey who ask you for advice rockfight! any way Rich64 idont think that i should eat all those things at one time. id probobly throw up! and besides i think taking a pill is faster and less trouble. another thing ...i dont know about you but i dont like fish thanks for advice!
  10. if you want to end it quikly id say hit him in the pressure points: temple, neck, under nose. this like that realy do hurt and maybe he'll think twice before fighting you. but one thing hiting an opponent in the pressure pionts may kill them.
  11. my mom has me take all these vitamins and i dont like them. she makes me take a bonebiulder, salmon oil, flax oil and magnesium citrate. i want to ask your opinions and iwant to know if they work. thanks
  12. another thing is dontjump around while dodging. it can wear you out. dont stay put either . in dodging keep wast and feet parralel. move your body and your head. and if they move backward then you can rush in jab and start a combo. it will maybe send them of balence.
  13. thanks for the info. do any of you guys know how to dodge there punches on the ground? in the ufc there was one russiun guy who was able to do that... i foget his name. he also was able to get in a few punches in on the guy.
  14. is there any other way to improve dodging skills besides having someone throw punches at you and shadow boxing? i want to gain more in that skill and my brother only has me throw punches at him but he wont help me with it.
  15. what would you do if you got caught of gaurd takled and thrown on the ground with some one one top of you? im just wondering cause i found out that when kids fight they dont fight on their feet they throw you on the ground! thats what happened at most of the fights at my school and i dont want that happening to me. please give some advice.
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