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Everything posted by blakbelt15

  1. i have been instructing for about a month the kids in the first class of the day hardly ever listen have tried being more strict and easier on them nothing seems to be working but when my sensai is their they do everythingtheir suppose to an d listen. the kids are between the ages 5-10 maby its just the age but if u have any ideas on how to get them to listen it would help
  2. when i have to spar with smaller kids i let them work if the adults go hard and like all out then dont let her if the let her work and practice let her get the practice in
  3. i want to be faster faster punches and kicks i have been slowly getting faster with practice and my reguar training but i want to know is i their is a faster way and what can i do to get faster punches and kiks
  4. i dont think im gunna promote my self that high and its diffrent because it teaches you to defend weponse with your hands because its a more disiplined style thatt focoses on bladed wepons and focus and meditation... ill edit later what does that last post mean
  5. its kinda a new style i made up, how would i go about spreading the word i have evrthing done(kata wepons sparring age belt system) the whole thing Should i market it or start with just my 5 students or what
  6. both definatly u get twice the workout f u do both
  7. thanx thats a good idea ill ry it
  8. I train 6 night a week for turnys(point fighting, get in shap) It seems to work but im not dropping weight fast enof f any tips
  9. i traine 6 nights a week, i go to turniments , but i just started so ive only been to a couple , but i did manage to get 5 in state(kick usa) that was last year, im alot better now, tell me if u have heard of ismeal saturno also im going to a turnament in january im training alot harder any good tips itll be harder this year because ill be in a diffrent devision.
  10. i need forms for an upcoming tourny. i have a bo so a bo form/kata would be good. my rdca style doesnt deal alot with kata but im tired of tsd so please post. um my shodan has done several styles so if you know of a good style for kata/form tell me and ill ask if he knows any. thanx
  11. what hands feet head mouthguard cup shins chests all or whatand is their gear havier
  12. ok get good fast kicks with your lead leg and when ever you start dont stop till they call stop and anounce the point and when you start with your hand end with legs and vice versa try the backfist revers punch combo it works vary effective. also keep your guard up dont drop it for a kick or anting if you punch pull you hand forward or back for more coverage and defense and dont try to go in and stay in its get in get out hope it helps
  13. well its what i want to do. is their an age limit? im almost 16. im pretty sure id do well, any tips on how to get there? thanx
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