WOW, I didnt realize this was such a common problem. I take private classes so I am one of 2 students in the class. Tying the belt was the very first lesson. Plus I never cared if my gi got pulled open, with the kind of sparring we do, there is no way around it short of not wearing a top. Ill try to walk through it with you. Start with it around your front and wrap it all the way around until the ends are pointing in front, then holding each end in the respective hand, cross your left hand over your right, let go of the belt with your left hand and let it drop across your right, now take the end that is in your right hand with your left and just hold it taut while sliding the hanging end of the belt up under both layers and then holding it up against your chest, fold the end that you are holding in your left hand across to your right and then take the end that is against your chest and let it fall on top of the folded over end, then pull it up through the loop and give it a jerk. Now that ought to confuse you just enough to where you will just go ask an instructor to show you... One quick question... My instructor makes us always turn our backs to the class to adjust our gi, or straighten our belt. Why? Maybe a silly question, but Im always wondering.