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Personal Information

  • Martial Art(s)
    Jiu-jitsu, kendo, iaido, aikido, shotokan karate,shiatzu Ki
  • Location
    Cambridge Ontario
  • Interests
    japan, calligraphy, meditation, martial arts

Ktulu's Achievements

White Belt

White Belt (1/10)



  1. The fans are actually called the Tessen. and yes they were used as weapons.
  2. Heres a sight with info about the Tessen. No instructional dvds though but ill look. http://www.e-budokai.com/articles/weapons.htm
  3. Hello. Ive been saving money because it is my dream to travel to Japan to learn the language, and especially train in Jiu-jitsu and karate. Im also interested in studying calligraphy and looking into the sword arts. I already know I need a cultural visa. But what i need help with is finding a dojo to train in. I dont think I can obtain a cultural visa unless i have proof im training in a dojo. I also know when I go there I can automatically recieve a temporary visa valid for 90 days. While I have that I could search for a dojo then turn my temp visa into a cultural visa. But maybe itd be easier if I knew before hand where I could train and contact the instructors beforehand. Any ideas or sugesstion on how to do this?
  4. maybe you could link me to a site or explain to me what makiwari is?
  5. thats the problem, Im only thinking of long term conditioning. But maybe Im overlooking some very minor basics that should be paid more attention too, meanwhile still working on the conditioning ive been doing.
  6. also im wondering how you can properly break bricks? i break boards but wanna know how to break bricks without damaging my hands
  7. Hello. Im just wondering, obviously i know it takes years of practice to perfect the amount of power (hitting power) yoou may possess. but im wondering, without any training involved what tips would you give a person that they could use right now to generate more power? im talking stances hip rotation etc. Also what kind of excersises would you suggest for the long term on being able to generate more power? ive heard of walking up the stairs to strengthen your kua. also the "Fu hu Gong" or lying tiger skill" described in this link: http://www.fightingarts.com/forums/ubb/Forum7/HTML/000198.html any excersises anyone has to offer like this, internal excersises? Thanks for the help
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