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Son Goku the monkeyking

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Everything posted by Son Goku the monkeyking

  1. I am at the same point alot of the times. with this kid in my class, What my instructor said to do is that when he or anyone else gets me really angry I just go somewhere that I can be alone and practice my bofo-sow ( deap brething exercise that also is the best way to practice for brick breaking exercise) And belive me chances are the stuff he says aboutr me is worse than what anyone else says about you, I meen he constintly is making racial coments about me Like about the fact that I am a mixed kid and he always is saying something about my skin color, Even though I am not the only mixed kid in my class. Just don't let it get to you. PEACE
  2. Well I have had this recuring dream sence I was about three, I am running from this thing in my room sometimes it is the boogyman, sometimes it is a evil possesed barney other times it is a ham sandwhich. and then I am forsed to jump down are hole flight of steps to get away, but the religious part of dream is that when I am falling I slow down into slomotion and this big white orb starts circleling around me like a angel or a spirit, and when I hit the ground it disappeers and I do not get a scratch. Soemtimes Dreams are just telling you about something that will happen in the future like a message from the Lord or Jesus. I would Just say that maybe you need to go pray or make a confessinon or talk to a pastor or priest. Believe me He will come through and it WILL WORK, YOU CAN TRUST ME ON THIS EVEN THOUGH I AM ONLY A 13 YEAR OLD. __________________________ fOR God so loved the world that he gave his only son.
  3. I like the green bay Packers for all the times they have won the super bowl they are only second two the Patriots my other favorite team. PEACE
  4. Mines is Linkin Park to, it is the fact that they are like a universal rock band that even rap artest who normaly hate rock even like them. Like how they were own tour with snoopdog and Jay-Z PEACE
  5. So everyone how was yall valentine day. Mine was great, I decided to give the girl that I had made a post about a box of chocolate with a note about my true feelings about here atached to it. She sent me tex message that said that she didn't like me the way a like her but, she did say that she whould be my valentine because of how sweet and kind I am, and that what she likes about me. :pony: unuff about me how was everyone else's valentine PEACE
  6. well there are many many katas in any martial arts style like hundreds so that kata may be out there somewhere but lost to the sands of time but if you look hard you might find it. PEACE
  7. I know that it is unknown in martial arts history to wheather or not Pai Mei was a real person, but if he was real and bruce was given the chance to fight him before he died and they where both at there peek, who do yo all think would win I already know who I think would win though. PEACE
  8. Bruce would win of course, I meen yes the other fighters are good but they are good mostly in one style of martial arts just shown in differant ways. Bruce lee on the other hand studied and mastered Wing lam kungfu and took all the strong points and componets from many othe styles like karate, Tai chi , TKD, and wing lam kungfu for examples. and also many punching componets from american boxing and maid them one affective style of matial arts that has HARDLY ANY WEEKNESS. knowone else has done that. So that is why I say bruce Lee. PEACE
  9. Okay I have been noticing in Naruto that It latly in Shonen Jump has been almost all about sasuke. Sasuke this, Sasuke that, why not call the manga Sasuke. Does anyone know when Sasuke will stop being the main charactor. HECK WHEN IS NARUTO GOING TO GET HIS CHANCE TO SHINE INSTEAD OF SASUKE !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! PEACE
  10. Sence this is based on a manga I can ask who do you all who read naruto think whould win in a fight Rock Lee or Gara I have seen Rock lee fight but never Gara so what do you all think. PEACE
  11. So how did you guys think the super bowl was this year I was rooting for the patriets and they won!!!!!!!!! What do you guys think. PEACE
  12. what type of things do people do in monkey kungfu, I once heard that you learn to clime things like a monkey like clime up a pole or staff and stay up there without it falling down with you on it doese anyone here do it or know anything about it PEACE
  13. yes but are they real styles or are they fake. PEACE
  14. I think that A style for a super hero should be Jeet Kune Do, because it has the strong points of many other styles of martial Arts. And it is also manly for fighting street fights and punks on the street so you would beready for anything. I would say that I am Bies like many others on this post but with my 13 year old 8th grade mind, I have yet to find out what that word meens. PEACE
  15. duh, of course i am in school, if you check my profile you will see that i am only in middle school. I am only 13 Ha HA hA HA HA!!!! I laugh at you old people. ( this is why people treat me like a little kid ) PEACE
  16. I saw it with my friends they say it was not good but a thought it was alright. The thing I thought was scary was that MOST of the EVP events were actual evrents caught on film. that nite I whent home and read the bible because of some of the issues it covered. Like the one time when the guy was attacked and killed by those spirits. BUT IFELT SO SAD WHEN THAT ONE GUY WHO FIRST TAUGHT HIM ABOUT EVP WAS KILLED I FELT SAD BECAUSE HE WAS DOING PEOPLE A KIND THING BY HELPING THEM AND THEN HE WAS KILLED i KNOW I SOUND LIKE A SISSY BUT I AM A PERSON WHO CARES ABOUT OTHERS AND THERE FEALINGS BEFORE THERE OWN. PLEASE DON'T MAKE FUN OF ME PEACE
  17. I agree with Jeet Kune do on this because of what I have been told from other people I know. One person I was talking to once said that when her mother was in college she could not wait untill after school so she could go into her room and use the Uoija board normaly she would just ask it quistions like on what will be on her finals but she later said that when she would use it the house kept making noises but she did not pay attention to it, it also got very cold but she knew she had no heeting so she thought it was that. Then one day she had just taken it out and put her hands on it when it started to move. SHe did not even ask it anything but still said " WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN" Not just that but when this one kid I knew was on the phone wityh me one day I had a really BAD feeling all of a sudden, like something bad was going to happen. All of a sudden my friend stopped talking and said I have to go. the next day when I asked why he said that when he was on the board he asked it what was in the future and said " DEATH" A few weeks later are teacher had said that he had died over spring break. When asked why the teacher said it was unknown they tested him many times and they could not find a single reason. So next time you use a board daienwolf why don't you look around very closely at your surroundings and see if anything strange or unusel happens. PEACE P.S. Remember, unless you talking to Jesus then you can't be sure it is a good spirit - my knew ketch frase
  18. yes finaly I have someone to tell my story to: about 10 to 9 years ago I was about 3 years old when I woke up one nite( at that time I still thought there was a boogyman in my closet so all my lights where on. I decided to go next door to my moms room and sleep next to her in that room because I could always go to sleep faster there. But as soon as was going past the one foot long hallway that seperated us I saw alien I swear. And get this he was reading a book, thats right a book. I did not scream only go over to my moms room and he did not fallow me. ( thankyou Jesus Christ) when I told my mom she kept saying it was probly just a dream, but when I woke up the next morning I was in her room. Also one thing I have learned in my years is that my family has a long line of pyschics ( not carrie pyschics but that's so raven pyschics) When all seem to have this strange abillity to see the future. something just pops into are heads and then that thing happens. Usuly the girls get that abillity but I was lucky, I do not tell my friends for feer that they will think i am nuts I was even a little skeptical about telling you guys Also although I have never seen bigfoot or the lock ness monster or the world famouse Jersey devil. I will tell you this, I live in ohio which has the second most haunted house on this planet,I can not remember it's name but I do know it is a castle in down town cleavland where you do not even want to ride your bike next to. many grusome deaths have happend there and some bad things have happended to people who lived there. also has anyone ever heard of the lowa island if so please respond and also feel free to post me. Peace
  19. No but try going to a place called https://www.cheatcc.com that is where I always get my cheat codes if I nead them. Peace
  20. the traditional chinese button down it is the best PEACE
  21. What is the differance between kungfu and gungfu besides the F and the G PEACE
  22. how many people have seen bruce lee's last movie game of death. how did you like it and was it as good as "Enter the dragon"
  23. all of the are the same amount of deadlyness, it depends on the person with the weapon and how they use it, and where they hit you at that determans there amount of usefulness. with a great amount of skill a sharpend pencil can be more deadly than all of those weapons. so it basicly depends on the user you HAY I TALKED SMART YEAHHHHH !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! PEACE
  24. sounds tite. know what I 'm saying G I am about to get myself a Bruce lee tatoo if I get a B or better on my next science test. it's going to be OFF THE HIZZE FO SHIZZE. KNOW WHAT I'M SAYING DOG, WORD PEACE
  25. my faviorite movie would have to be" Game of death" the master of martial arts last movie and it was so sad because that was his last movie :bawling:and it was never finished.
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