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Son Goku the monkeyking

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Everything posted by Son Goku the monkeyking

  1. I'm a nunchaku kid all the way, I have liked it ever sence my young days of watching the ninja turtles. I also thought it was the best because you are less likely to kill someone with them, so no law suites Holla
  2. Dose anyone have any tips on how to get a six pack without having to train for a year. I really would like to get one fast . Not just to get dates and show of to the girls, well actually that is 50% of it and the other 50% is so I can be in good shape. well I got to go please respond HOLLA Sincerely Son Goku the monkeyking
  3. even though I take kungfu my faviorite FORM is 8 dorfus. holla
  4. I want to be in lean great muscular shape for are martial arts expo is there anybody who has tips on what foods to eat that when combinded with kungfu MA can get me a lean muscular body. I am asking you guys because I know alot of you train every day and are in good shape. please respond, sincerely Son Goku the monkeyking HOLLA
  5. Actualy it is a ninja academy me and mom both whent there and met and talked to the instructor who learned his ninja moves in I think tokyo Japan. but you are right about one thing my cousin did think he was taking karate. he did not know that he was taking ninjutsu untill the day we had brought him. but when when he found out that he was learning the ninja arts he was even more excited. But more importently you were right shorin ryuu he did not know what the hell he was doing at first. well I'm out HOLLA
  6. Hey Kamikaze I am only at my second belt level, but I have some tips, one thing is to put your legs in the longest horse stance you can make and make sure your back is strate. that should make your legs have pressure and pain. know stay in that stance for about 2 to 3 three min. One more exercise is to run laps, except that you when you run bring your knees up as far as you can, and also when you run or walk do it ONLY ON THE BALLS OF YOUR FEET!! At my academy if my sifu or the assistant sifu here my feet then they make me do pushups. maybe it would work for you. Also I like that saying of yours Musse it's TITE!!!. anyway hope you guys have a good thanksgiving day HOLLLA.
  7. Thankyou ninjanurse for the reply but I am still confused as ever. My mom who took kenpo before she had me is confused as well. especially about the reflection in the mirror thing, that has been in my mind so long I am having dreams about it. Please explain this balence thing in sparring to me more. Not just to ninjanurse but to everyone who has balence sparring tips.
  8. This is a quistion to all of those people who do ninjitsu. My cousin just started taking ninjitsu two months ago and he is taking his first test at his next class which is on next tuesday and he was asking me alot of quistions about my kungfu style and other martial arts. one thing he asked me was what level do you learn how to use weapons and from WHAT HE SAYS what level do you learn ninja stealth moves. PLEASE ANSWER HIS QUISTION BECAUSE HE KEEPS BUGGING ME KEEP IN MIND HE IS A SEVEN YEAR OLD SO DO NOT USE MANY BIG CONFUSEING WORDS. PLEASE ANSWER SO i CAN GET SOME SLEEP. from Son Goku the monkeyking HOLLA
  9. Okay we have covered fighting a boxer but what about fighting a person who knows wrestling. I have fought many fighters who wrestle you down to the ground when they fight you, or they come at you so fast you have know time to time to hit them with a kick or anouther move. I should know I ONCE WAS ONE. Well at least before I myself got jumped and decided to start martial arts like my mom did. Does anyone have any tips or ideas on how to fight one of these guys ? Hope I get as many posts as the boxing post HOLLA. sincerely Son Goku the monkeyking
  10. Sorry about confusing everyone I ment balence reffering to types of attacks please respond HOLLA
  11. um... will someone please just tell me how to change my belt level on this site. you know were it has my belt level right above my name and my profile and what style of martial art I take. that is all I am asking for and need to know because I recently took my belt test and I am a purple sash know HOLLA Sincerely Son Goku the monkeyking
  12. No elliotspirett that is not what I was talking about, but thankyou alot for trying. What I ment was using the state of balence when you are fighting someone or you are sparring with someone. that is my main priority for the expo. pleace write back. elliotspirett or any on else who has any idea of using the state of balence in sparring. PLEASE !!!!!!!!! help so I don't get killed at the expo from Son Goku the monkeyking, holla.
  13. Hey this is Son Goku the monkeyking here and I got anouther quistion. I am going to an Expo and I am much better in sparring sence me my sifu and the assinstant instructor have been working on my balence. But in the expo each student must fight a student who knows a differant martial art from a differant school. I found out what style of martial art it is and it's the style of shotokan karate I am a purple sash in Tan Tuey kungfu which is the second level and I have to fight a person who is at the second belt level of shotokan. will someon please tell me how to fight a shotokan second belt level so I know what to expect . From the newbie on this web site Son Goku the monkeyking, holla .
  14. I'm a newbei on this web site but I am a purple sash in Tan Tuey kungfu which is the second level.(even though it says that I am white belt level)I am sighned up for an expo that we have to do sparring with other opponents, the only problem is that I have an extreme balence problem with sparring. I my instructor says I am a good fighter but but I need to harness the powers of balence. He gave me a speech about it and I am still very confused about it AND I AM NOT JUST TALKING ABOUT STANDING ON ONE LEG BALENCE OR STANCE BALENCE TO MAKE IT KNOWN. wILL SOMEONE PLEASE HELP ME WITH THIS BALENCE THING SO I DON'T GET CRUSHED AT THE EXPO. AND ALSO WHAT BETTER WAYS TO FIGHT IN THE EXPO USING BALENCE TO MY ADVANTAGE. P.S. if there is a sighn that says poll next to this, than it is an accident please forgive me.
  15. Hello, I is Son Goku the monkeyking. I stumbled on to this site when I was looking for tips on my martial art. I take Tan Tuey kungfu and I am 13 years old. Anyway I came here for a little bit of help, you see there is a expo coming up I have intered and we have to do sparring. I really need help in my sparring and my sifu says I am a great fighter but my balence is so poor that I do not fight with them well. When he mention my blence being the key to me getting thousands of victories I thought he ment balence like you whould balence yourself in a stance then he gave me a speech about looking at myself in the mirror and thinking about how me and my reflection make balence, which really confused me. when I came to this sight looking for answers on today the day of November 23, at about 10:00 I saw a lot of things about balence on this site. PLEASE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! will someone tell me how to better my balence, and how to USE THIS NEW FOUND KNOWLEDGE!!! in sparring, so I can be best at the expo. and not make a fool out of myself at the expo. sighned Son Goku the monkeyking.
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