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Everything posted by elliotspirrett

  1. HAHAHAHAHA! Like it. Bet it thre a lot of them off their guard! Hehehehehe! Have to say it would be fun, and worth a try, but I'd probably get answers like; "You don't need to worry about that yet" or "Shut it Smart A*se" Hehehe! Still...Worth a try
  2. Yeah, sorry about that. I didn't mean to. I was doing it on a school PC and it was being stupid, and not registering it at first until it appeared three times. If it could be deleted it would be helpful! SORRY!!! New Terminology; ISPSBSS; I'm sorry please stop being so sarky!
  3. Ok. This forum, is one to discuss terminology (like an MA dictionary) so add any you can think of. MA- Martial Art/Arts/Artist/Artists Gi- Uniform or Suit Kyu- Grading, usually from 10-1 working down from 10 being White Belt. Grade- Belt...(I know this is obvious for most but some may need to know) Sensei- Teacher Senior- High grading member of the club, may take part in teaching. Dan- The Grading of Black belts 1-6 are Graded, 7-9 are Belts gifted for service to the form, such as teaching for manyt years, or for teachin elderly people to defend themselves. 10th Dan is the Grand Master of the the form. Erm... Ok that's it...I'm very limited, as I can't remember much from Judo, but I now do a western art so I don't need to know these things as such. So Keep 'em comin'!
  4. I sometimes find that, b3ecause mymartial art is western, I find it difficult to understand some of the posts, havingonly a limited vocabulary from my Judo days. It would be interesting to have a forum of terminology, and what it means and what (if known) martial art it applies to! If there's already one, please tell me, if not well there's a great idea for a starting post! In fact...I'll go start one now! (This could take some time)
  5. Hmmm...yeah I guess. You al make valid points. I just wish she wasn't so caustic, mainly because I am not only the sensei's student but I also live close by, and am good friends with their family. I think this is probably the reson I was so offended yesterday by her actions. Maybe I sould ive it a try, as it could be a very valid reason she see it form this view. Thanks people!
  6. Hmm... Makes sense... But (this may be biased) but I wouldnt say we're a commercial club... I dont know... She just seems REALLY big headed. She runs a class every day so I'm quite sure she must be bringing in lots of money at £3.50 a lesson... Still I can understant the traditional veiwpoint and why they would be less than pleased... But surely they should at least be happy that their art is being spread?
  7. Yeah. The weird thing is you'd expect better from a sensei...ah well...
  8. HAHAHAHA! Crazy kid. But must've been worth a few laughs!
  9. Thanks mate. Kind words!
  10. How about; "I think my old club was better than this one..." Or "I'm bored..." Or "I think I'm gonna take up (nsert rival martial arts here.You know you have one!)" Or "I think ballet is more my thing..."
  11. Hi there. I'm just writing this to see what other people think of this experience I have just had. There is a Dojo near my house which isn't the one I attend. As I am thinking of joining there too, I popped in after band practice to get some information leaflets if possible. I was asked by the sensei's wife, my grade (if any) and where I practice. I told her where my club was and that I study Trodai Karate, at which point she just smirked, and told me it was a made up martial art from Ireland and that there's was "better" because it has been around since 1900 and their club was 12 years old. She then went on to offend me by saying that my she knew my sensei and that she had "seen the standard" of my club, in a mocking tone. I asked what she meant, only to gett the reply; "there's a lot of people running around doing nothing!" It is at this point I decided to leave. What I am tring to say; A) So what if her form is older? Does it make her better? I think not! B) The "Standar" of my club is that of the british Karate champion who is a senoir black belt there. C) Has she any idea how hard it is to teach 40-50 insane kids to stand still? She said herself her classes are small and above 16 years old only. D) I think she may just be jealous as if you check my other posts you will see that our club has won MANY competitions, and she may be jeaulous of our "Standard". Any thoughts would be most appreciated! I'm quite sure there should be some rivalry between forms, but this just seems ridiculous as she seems to be in hatred of our club!
  12. It looks like a lot of spiritual aspects are considered. Is this true? Not sure I've ever heard of Wath-upon-Dearne... I go to leeds sometimes. But thats a bit further away. Thanks again for the advice mate. What kind of karate did/do you study
  13. aefibired, you're a great help, cheers mate. Where abouts in UK are you? I notice you do wing chun. I saw a wing chun demo in Manchester, and I thought it looked a little complex but very interesting and good (for want of a better word)!
  14. I would like to become a teacher as well, but thankfully at my club, when you reach black belt you are a qualified instructor, or you can take an instructor's belt grading at a senior belt. I think it would be interesting to teach as well as learning, but many of the senior grades teach in the children's lesson as well.
  15. Ah, now people are voting. (They may already have been but I don't think I was looking in the right places) Thanks. Is there any point trying to learn more than one Martial art as opposed to more than one style/form? (E.g; Karate and Kick Boxing, as opposed to Trodai Karate and Shotokan Karate)
  16. I have started Karate this year, and I love it with a passion. Although I think this was the correct time for me as my focus was quite lapse when I was younger.
  17. Ah good call. Though these tounaments are infreaquent this will be better than not attending any at all. Thanks very much!
  18. On family guy, peter becomes more in touch with his feminine side and gets "My other Pe*is is a Vag*na" Sick, and hilarious!
  19. I too do things like that. Also I now try to walk everywhere without making a sound. Which means I look pretty stupid as I walk!
  20. Hi, I have just this year joined my local karate club. Although the club is very tough and challenging, I was looking forward to hopefully taking part in tournaments. After bringing this up with some of the senior belts and the sensei, it has come to my attntion that we are never invited to tounaments anymore. This is because we have won every trophy 5 years running. After this the refereeing started becoming more biased and unfair. Thus we never attend tounaments. If there is anyone who knows about any in my area (East Midlands, UK) then I would love to know and would be happy to pass on any information! Thanks.
  21. These are all fantastic ideas. Thanks I'm sure when I bring it up to my sensei he will be concerned. notice that no-one has taken part in my poll so would someone please just answer it anyway? I would just like a second (or third etc.) opinion.
  22. By the sounds of it mate. You are unsure what you mean. Ask your teacher if they can shead any light on it!
  23. Yeah true steveb. No offence mate, but you seem pretty unclear. I think you are refering to using other's balance or lack thereof, in an offensive way, so as to win fights. Or you could be talking about using your own balance to put more power into certain techniques. Chances are though, that I'm wrong once agan
  24. Thanks for your help! It makes sense what you say! I just don't know if he will listen. He's not someone I get on with very well. But I thinks it's worth a try. Also I can see what you mean about being ready when around him. Thanks once again. I'll let you know if it makes a difference.
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