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  • Interests
    Martial Arts, Dancing, Working Out, Chess

Mtal's Achievements

Yellow Belt

Yellow Belt (2/10)



  1. Hi all, I done different martial arts, but right now, I do not have a lot of time and would like to at least keep up my self defence skills. So far my choices are Systema (I could probably do a 1 1/2 hour class once a week, maybe twice), Krav Maga (probably the same as above time wise), or a self defense class based on JKD (which I have done a little bit of, it's a 1 1/2 class.) What to take? Systema looks interesting, Krav Maga looks pretty no non sense, JKD has all the ranges. Then I worry about time, since I can only go once a week, maybe that should be one of the reasons why I should go with one style over the other. I would also like something that deals with multiple attackers. Well not that I wish that to ever happen, but nothing I have taken really taught me much on how to deal with that, and I figure if I am in a self defence situation, it's probably going to be more of them than me and what if I get cornered. Oh and something I learn knife defense. Always scared that if I cannot run what do I do. I also seen so many knife defense that do not work etc... Well any thoughts would be great. It would help me compare. Oh and if there is another combative I should consider, let me know. I would take classes in NYC so if anyone knows a good school please let me know.
  2. Hi all, Ok I am not sure what the term is for it, but looking at videos of street fights, it seems most people just brawl, throw many multiple punches as fast as they can. It might be actually a good strategy if your bigger or stronger. Anyway, I was wondering how you would defend against something like that, being that it might be something one can possible face. Thanks.
  3. I was reading that the founder of Wado Ryu started off in Ju Jitsu, but then went on to train in Shoto Kan cause he wanted to add more striking. So what is Wado Ryu like? I done Shoto Kan and Ju Jitsu, I would say there teaching was done in different ways. Shoto Kan we did lot of practicing our punches, blocks, kicks, and kata. Ju Jitsu, lot of partner work, some practice of punches, blocks, and kicks. So what is a Wado Ryu class like?
  4. Hi, I was wondering, what are the differences between Go Ju Ryu, Uechi Ryu, and Shorin Ryu? Does one have more White Crane influnce over the other? Do they all do the sanchin Kata? Is one more harder on the body? Do they all incorporate some throws and locks? Well I am looking to get back into Karate. I used to do Shoto Kan years ago. I was kind of looking for something different. Okinawan Karate looks pretty cool. I like the White Crane influnce (would take that, but no schools around) and the hard and soft aspects. I am also in my upper 30's. I hear there are not really that many high kicks or deap stances. I also hear there are some joint locks and throws (sounds like to me making it more rounded). Oh, and I need something that gives me a good workout. It's been a little hard finding out the differences. Go Ju I probably know the most of, and did try a class years ago. I see there is some locks in it, and the sanchin kata looks a lot like white crane. I also here they do some exercises like push hands (I have done tai chi). Oh but I also hear that sanchin might be bad for your blood pressure. I dont have a problem, but hate to cause one. Shorin Ryu, all I get is that it is just like Go Ju. Is that right. Uechi Ryu, actually I just came across it. It looks kind of interesting. They do not do as many Kata's as the other ones. It is newer, so I hear some stuff is changed in it. I also here is is very self defence oriented (do not know why that was said, that is all I read). Then I also hear that its roots are very close to white crane, but then I read somewhere else that it is not cause it is a newer style, so it is actually farther away from the white crane influence. Well any info would be great. I am going to start to look at some schools, but I wanted to have an idear of what I am looking at before I go. Thanks.
  5. Does anyone know about this style, Hakutsuru Fukasa-Ryu Karate or "Profound White Crane Empty-Handed Art". It is supposed to have a lot of Crane in it and it is from Okinawa(maybe it is more like Crane Kung Fu) . I was thinking it is related to Go Ju Ryu, but just finding out about the style, I heard they don't do Sanchin (which I believe is a core Go Ju Ryu Kata). Well if anyone knows what the style is like, please let me know.
  6. Looks like a nice recorder, but I was looking for something small, and I do need a digital camera too. Thanks.
  7. I want to take care of two things at once and get a digital camera that takes good video. I just like the fact that they are so small, so along with taking pictures, in case I every need to take a video (does come in handy for someone taking martial arts), I have the option. The thing is, when you look at these camera's, they don't seem to say much about the video part. I was also wondering if it really matters what camera you get, that most the options are the same and you get pretty much the same quality? So, what features do you look for when getting a digital camera when you want it to also take good video? Any models or brands that are recomended? Thanks.
  8. Opps, yeah that's what I meant. Thanks, when I get a little extra cash, I will probably pick some up.
  9. Hi, has anyone tried those Captain Crunch Grippers? I like to buy one, but I was wondering which one I sould get. Ok I can do the ones you by in any typical sports store, with the plastic grips. I was wondering how the captain crunch ones compare. Thanks.
  10. Has anyone tried the Strength Training Gyro Exerciser? Is is some kind of gadget. It is in the shape of a ball, you put this pull cord in it, pull it out to make it start the inside moving, and then you hold it, and it supposed to help your grip get stronger. Ok it sounds to good to be true, but just wondering. Thanks.
  11. I was wondering, for a martial artist, what is better, weights or body weight exercises? I guess I am asking from a self defence stand point. I mean I practice my martial arts, but I am sure if I come accross a better conditioned opponent, I would be a little worried if I was not in good enough shape. Now for grappling and striking, does weights over body weight exercises make a difference? I used to hear that pro boxers never touched weights. I am sure they can hit hard. That weights would tighten them up and they would not be fast and hit hard. Then I hear these days boxers are putting weights in there workouts. Also, what about those MMA people, Muy Tai, and wrestlers, do they hit the weights or just do body weight exercises? Maybe weights are more sutied for grapplers, trying to over power there opponent, submitting them, etc........ I also think about this, when I see those big dudes that lift weights, they look strong and solid, it just looks like better benefits for a fighter (ok I dont know too many top fighters so I dont know there workouts and what they can do, but I do see big dudes in the guy that look in good shape and would think there conditioning would be beneficial in a fight). Well any toughts would be great, thanks.
  12. I get shin splints when I run. Also I have flat feet and my sneakers seem to wear out on the outside of the sneaker. I hear they make sneakers that help with this. Does anyone have any experience with a good brand and could make a reconmendation. Thanks.
  13. Thanks. Is it more for defending against kicks, or just sweeps, someone trying to get you off balance?
  14. What are RBSD styles? Thanks all, I will check some of the styles out that you talked about. Oh I did do shoto kan way back, but did not too much trapping, I was only a green belt, maybe it comes in the higher levels.
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