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    Tyler Tx

Gungrave's Achievements

White Belt

White Belt (1/10)

  1. Also, I have a problem of whenever my instructor comes at me, I tend to try to back away and just block and cower away. Pisses me off, but it's reflex. I know I should stand my ground and attack, but what's the easiest way to see an open spot? And what're good techniques to use against people that have a low stance?
  2. Yeah I'm pretty dumb....Bushido-Kai is the name of my school. I'm learning the Kyoukushin kai system, but am only a yellow belt.
  3. Wow, I appreciate your suggestions. I sparred with my instructor today as a matter of fact. I found that I was able to kind of clear my mind and focus on trying to find an opening....but ya know what... Thinking of it as 'yellow belt vs. black belt' really didn't help. I knew anything I threw at him would be easily countered so it's hard for me to do anything. But I did see that experience helps a lot, as I've come some ways since the first time. I'm not good at standing my ground yet cuz I'm so tall and he goes low on me and I can't think of what to do.
  4. Alright, I'm only a yellow belt in Bushido-Kai and have only sparred once. But I've nearly gotten in lots of fights and before sparring with my instructor, I always get really shaky. It's not that I'm scared, it's the adrenaline and wondering whether I can throw the right combination of what I know at the right time. What do y'all suggest aside from sparring more? Note: Try not to step into your instructor's hook-kick. Your jaw will hurt for days;)
  5. What're the best kicks for sparring? Cuz that's what I'm best built for.
  6. Bushido-Kai.........why am I the only one?
  7. Well I just registered and only browsed for about ten minutes, but the place seems purdy cool. I'm studying Bushido-Kai, and am only a yellow belt. What've you guys got to say about that particular style?
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