Well first off i wasnt refering to multiple man kumites as i wrote "in competition" and i wasnt also refering to the World Open Tournament which doesn't really represent the reality for a high % of people. You also have to take in account that it depends of the tournament's rules. I have seen many one match kyokushin tournaments which consists of 1x 2min round. I have also seen 3 rounds matches, but in general (and that's only from my personnal experience), KB tournaments have either more rounds or longer rounds than kyokushin tournaments BUT in some kyokushin tournaments you have to fight more than once in the same day. Why doesn't it happen in KB? Simple, your face can't take that much hits in the same day. I know i might not be making a lot of friends saying this in the karate forum but that's the way i see it please don't take any offense in what i say in any way i'm always opened to debate my opinions. I am aware of that considering i fight in both styles. I also know that in tournaments you don't take hand blows to the head in kyokushin so you need to have a stronger body, while in KB you need to have a strong chin/nose. I agree.