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Everything posted by mixed_fighter

  1. well just trying to get a girls point of view in martial arts? how do they feel about going up to agianst a man. are you a girl? and if so how old are you?
  2. i dont know how to move the post just going to leave it alone at this thanks everyone dont need to move anything
  3. just wondering if there is any girls in kung fu if so let me hear you feelings of the art. does you kung fu class need to improve to fit girls needs in combat?
  4. does anyone know were i can download martial art videos or samples for refrance im studying other arts and fighting styles. i looking for free site to look at clips.
  5. any girls that study kung fu write back.
  6. i agree that kung fu is more balanced i dont belive that getting a black belt as fast as you can means anything.
  7. also i dont recall you ever tell me all that you have studyed and how long in each ????????????
  8. did you study san soo in so was it contact if not you have no idea what you talking about im in a contact school. and dont bullcrap me cause there very few contact training schools in san soo. i think you have alot of knowledge in martial arts but in this case your wrong. you cant understand what froms do if you dont listen to the master who teaches them.
  9. i have beaten karate fighters just because of there stances and foot work karate i think is very over rated your shouldnt be saying anything you have no idea what real combat is about. karate is a defense art not a offense not agressive enough but there are some good moves but over rated.
  10. based on your job jodoherty i think you should take mauy thai its a very simple art to learn yet very aggressive and will get you in shape for fighting if you get into a kung fu school you will be a begining basics for longer than you needed. mauy thai is faster pace do to there not alot of flashy techniques and there very distructive. but as you progess id suggest you try a kung fu san soo or a grappling art that has a lot of levrages and joint locks takedowns etc cause you are more likely to come up on a fight and break it up that were you can use the levrages and joint locks it very hard put somone in a joint lock in a fist fight it take years to get that good. they have to grab you to put them in the positon effectively. mauy thai would be very safe at first you will like it but when you get advanced try a kung fu or grappling art you be well rounded.
  11. Does anyone know any routines or speed and power movements to get ready for the ring? ill know how to lift but not for fighting. i getting ready for a I.F.C event also what supplements should i take. anyone know how to make your shins harder having problems there too?
  12. yes im saying martail arts are developing into new styles when ever you take little pieces of other arts and blend them in to a martial art its a new style maybe they have some simular movements but it is indeed diffrent when ever you train out side of you art or diffrently you are doing it diffrent from how it was taught there for you cant call it what it was but but what it is. ah nevermind can i ask you something what have you studied???
  13. i know all martial arts have simular strikes my comment was to someone who mauy thati was not effedtive at long ranges. besides master jimmy woo said forms massage you internal organs if that answers your question mark. as for modern martial art i think alot of kung fu and karate styles cant compete with the submission fighters its been proven so i hope you dont right back anything on the comment. but san soo is not as complex as alot of kung fu styles its just straight agressive thats the back bone of it and why its modern day affective art. i mean in modern day we have alot more people in mauy thai and subbmission fighting than ever cause that what works and is popular these days. please dont pick my threads apart anymore im just stating a opinion i dont need you to pick my thread this is not a right or wrong forum.
  14. Instead of facing combat in it’s suchness, quite a few systems of martial art accumulate "fanciness" that distorts and cramps their practitioners and distracts them from the actual reality of combat, which is simple and direct and non-classical. Instead of going immediately to the heart of things, flowery forms and artificial techniques (organized despair!) are ritually practiced to simulate actual combat. Thus, instead of being in combat, these practitioners are idealistically doing something about combat. Worse still, "super mental this" and "spiritual that" are ignorantly incorporated until these practitioners are drifting so much further and further into the distance of abstraction and mystery that what they’re doing resembles anything (from acrobatics to modern dance) but the actual reality of combat. quote from bruce tells it all also i might not have trained j.k.d but i have studyed bruce and his j.k.d seen it in action i have combat knowlege therfore i can see somthing i have never seen before and tell you if it works or not pretty quick.
  15. you cant tell me that you havent been tought a technique thats is not been combat effective? in case you in a yoga class if you have did you not see any way to modify that same move to make it work for you in combat? well back when bruce tought he broke that mold saying its ok to do that in a time when that was not ok. he also tought blacks, whites, and anyone who wanted to learn that was not exepted. thats why he was great not just fighting skills he improved view of martial arts and made them more available to us. i can type all day about bruce and never touch who and what he was you have to see in his time it effected us today. thats all im saying his influance has made are instructers trian for real senerios. in the old days they did some of it but mostly used fixed postitions.
  16. are you saying j.k.d is not a newly devoloped art and bruce didnt create it to be faster and more agressive in combat? i think that the martial training these days like submission fighting might have a mixture or orgin of other styles but when you train like that you might have used other styles but blended them into one more effective style. all new styles of fighting arts come from other arts but seeded out what work in ring or street or ring. are you saying that martial arts are not developing into fast more combat effective styles. i can tell times are even changing my kung fu san soo class. we train to fight a street fight rather than another kung stylist back in the old days they didnt do this. so know are we not being more agressive cause street fighter uses agression to fight cause he has no training. im not looking to prove you wrong just saying things have been changing for martial arts.
  17. yes you are right san soo and san shou are diffrent and because i have boxing training before my mauy thai i see were it filled the gap. i think with boxing or my san soo hand strikes the kicks blend great. i was thinking after i get furhter along in sans soo ille take my jujitsu, mauy thai, boxing, and san soo and blend them into a mixed martial arts class. also mauy thai and no other arts are not good at long range attacks. but the thai frontal kick is very effective at maxium range its one of the onlys kicks i trust way out. you arch your back a little bring your knee to just about your chest and thrust either leg push all the way till you on your tip of you toe. you will see the power and speed. san soo i think has everything you need in close or long range it has the footwork to get in were you need to be. i also think forms are important are forms have 27 to 50 moves in them and we alot. i think the help you in footwork they also massage your internal organs wich is good for you . are instructer says they help with multiple attackers i belive this too. i think san soo is a modern day effective kung fu.
  18. Bruce lee has influanced us all and all martial arts today he was the most important things to happen to martial arts ever and we are living in his time we will never know all of bruce. also if you watch old videos of him something was great about him. i think the reason we never seen bruce fight was because at his level there was no reason to and he never abused his power. jkd is just a taste of what he was. we would be mindless followers in martial arts if it wasnet for him to give us the ok to use what works not what the instructers family has been using for 100 years he showed us breaking the mold is a good thing. he only simplified what all new in are hearts when shown a technique we cant use in a street fight or not comfortable with. to modify it to fit our needs. use the natural tools of the body is faster and speed is power and no fixed positons. he was the best
  19. not knocking any other kung fu but im in a kung fu san soo class and we are a contact kung fu. also we train to attack from a relaxed stance hands to the side no threating movements untill contact also san soo is one the most brutal of all arts. we use the whole body to destroy anyone who trys to hurt us. all movements dont have any uncomfortable stances and you keep attacking even when the attacker is on the ground. i have taken mauy thai and jujitsu there are very simular takedowns, joint locks, escapes strikes, in san soo. if you have ever watched u.f.c thats real combat and what do you see alot of in it jujitsu and mauy thai. but san soo completes the links to real fighting on the street you have even more of an arsanal of strikes. also when we block we hit nerves and muscles in the arm to try and stop them from hitting or use with that limb agian. we break down a attacker with his own attacks. i also im very lucky to study this art contact very few schools do it cause of the amount of damage you can get. we also train to attack when the attacker is not telegraphing his movements we strike in way it would be hard to stop when that happens. try kung fu san soo if you get a chance its great
  20. sorry to use monk for a example lets say monky kung fu stylist. and my point is that yes we are more combat effective with submission fighting, ufc , jkd etc. martial arts are developing to faster more aggressive styles. but im not throughing out all old art im studying kung fu san soo full contact its very brutal but i have done mauy thai and jujitsu and i would still relie on mauy thai and jujitsu on the street and i notice simular attacks in san soo. i have to say for all the old arts mauy thai hasent changed and in my eyes the most street combat effective art.
  21. The point in not the fighters know a day are more harcore i think old stylist are tuffer based on they had limited training equipment and supliments. Were stronger faster and training realistic fighting positons what the body moves naturally rather then trying to use a monky fist or stance then acting all drunk to strike. i think that the person also has alot to do with it too. martial arts are developing into more effective combat arts and yes subbmisson fighter of the now could pummle a shaolin monk with out weapons. but heres one for you weapon styles and movements havent changed much they would kill us in a battle without guns. but i give them credit they had alot more honor and disapline to not come out of form in a fight they were trying to be perfect within combat. we will just slam you and punch your face in till gurgle blood much more effective.
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