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Everything posted by KBwanabee

  1. Can i just say that this topic has made interesting reading, some very different views going on. However I can still honestly say that i feel that Muay Thai / Kickboxing is probably one of the best close up fighting styles there is. I say this because it has very simple strikes straight forward punches, elbows, knees but it is the power at which these strikes are executed which make it such a deadly martial art. When in close combat in a real situation there is very little time to strike or be struck you have to make your strikes count and be devestating and you can bet a Muay Thai 3 strike combonation of any variety would be very effective. However there are two other factors, 1 being it also depends on the person you are fightin and the skills they have are they a for instance a person with no martial arts experience if so they will never withsatnd the strikes from a Muay Thai practioner, however if they are a boxer they may well be a better striker up close as they have the hardest punching power. 2. It depends on your own ability a very compotent Thai kickboxer will obviously win against an average fighter (of another style) and vice versa. I can only qualify it by saying that for upclose striking the effective use of knees, elbows and typical boxing strikes are mighty effective. Just my two cents
  2. I can honestly say there are probably two good solid techniques to sort this situation. 1. As they charge, once they are in range grab hold of your opponent and drag him backwards as you do this make sure you step / fall to the side so he will slam into the groun and not on you. 2. As he gets close stand your ground and go low grab him round his thighs or lower legs and lift upwards, you then have the choice of either spear tackiling him into the ground or take him straight over the top of you backwards. I used to play rugby for 3 years and can say on the pitch this situation is quite common and although spear tackles arent allowed they still happen.
  3. I can honestly say there are probably two good solid techniques to sort this situation. 1. As they charge, once they are in range grab hold of your opponent and drag him backwards as you do this make sure you step / fall to the side so he will slam into the groun and not on you. 2. As he gets close stand your ground and go low grab him round his thighs or lower legs and lift upwards, you then have the choice of either spear tackiling him into the ground or take him straight over the top of you backwards. I used to play rugby for 3 years and can say on the pitch this situation is quite common and although spear tackles arent allowed they still happen.
  4. Thanks for that, to give you an update i trained again last night and my leg has been feeling ok, however as soon as i did some kicking even on the first kick i felt pain in my shin. I was unable to do much kicking as i did not want to agrevate this futher. This morning i have a ache in the shin when i walk not quite sure what to do for best as i have training again on Wednesday night. I might give it a good soak in a hot bath tonight and see how i go. Any suggestions on why this is still hurting is it just bruised on the inside i have no swelling or visible brusing but my leg is definitely weakened.
  5. What supplements should i use i dont really know much about that side of things will it really help????????????
  6. Yeah im not sure if it was his arm or his elbow i hit kind of a funny angle, i didnt put ice on it when i got in cause it kind of wore of (went numb) but today its not a happy leg. What is tiger balm? maybe in a way it is a good thing that this happened as it shows i need to condition my legs better (any tips for this?), but i dont understand as i can kick a heavy bag many times without my leg hurting. P.s. i dont think its broken or fractured and it is possibly a bit swollen, had a shower when i got in but think im gonna bathe it tonight in the bath and hope that soothes it.
  7. Hi, Just wondered if any of you guys could offer some advice. I was at training last night and was doing some kicking drills, i executed a full power roundhouse and my partner holding the kick pad (relativley new guy) droped the pad and i hit his arm square on with my shin. Needless to say this hurt , but ok these things happen, however i woke up this morning and although there is no visible bruise i am finding it very painful to put weight on this leg. Anyone got any ideas on how to get this to heal as quick as possible as i have to train again over the weekend.
  8. Nice to see people talking about a topic i started, just to follow up it was suggested to me that i should eat breakfast to jump start my metabolism. Does anyone else have any other ways to do this other than eating breakfast as i stated before i just cant eat that early.
  9. Hi there, As i am kind of newish to this and my training is advancing very quickly i just wondered if anyone had some suggestions on good combonations to practice as i need some new drills to spice things up. Any ideas??????????? Whats your favourite?
  10. I am a bit wary about eating more as i was always told you need to use up more calories than u take in and so i try not to eat loads. But i take your point on speeding up my metabolism. Does anyone have any suggestions on the best way to do this without eating loads.
  11. Hey thanks for the tips, i will try to start running of a morning however it is getting a bit cold here . I am still not sure what sort of weight i should be aiming to get down to or wether i should forget the actual weight and concentrate on my waist measurement. Keep the ideas coming if anyone can think of anymore all are read and apreciated, also anyone else who is trying to loose please post on this topic and let us know how you are getting on and like wise for anyone who has succeded in loosing the weight please let me know.
  12. Thanks for the replies, I agree i should eat breakfast but I just cant face eating that early. Maybe i should have a bigger lunch and slim down dinner. I am going to try and get more cardio as i am about to turn my garage into a mini gym i have free weights and am going to put up a heavy bag. I will keep you posted. P.s. anyone got any sugestions what a good target weight for myself should be I must stress i am a big frame with broad sholders and fairly big arms but i am definitely a touch over weight.
  13. Hi, I have just started Kickboxing (about 2 months ago) and although i have noticed a bit of weight loss i am looking for ways to maximise results. I am 6ft tall and weigh 14st 4lb i have lost about 4 lb in 2 months but i really want to loose the belly and get ripped. I used to do weight training so my arms and chest are fairly toned but i am looking to sort out my stomach and feel that 2 2hr sessions a week will not be enough. In terms of diet i dont eat breakfast but i have an apple at about 9am and then have sandwiches for luch then a fairly substancial dinner, but i must confess i do let loose at weekends and have the odd takeout. I dont drink anything but diet sugar free drinks and the daily cup of cofee. Any suggestions or extra training i can do to help me shed the pounds and become stronger would be much appreciated.
  14. Hi everyone, I have been reding the forums for the last couple of months and have now decided to participate. I have been studying Kickboxing for about 2 months twice a week. I am aiming to loose some weight as i am quite stocky (i used to do weights). I am 6ft tall and when I started i was 14st 9lb and i am now 14st 4lb. I was just wondering if you guys have any tips in getting fitter and routines i could use to ensure i up my strength and endurance. Anyway thanks for any replies I hope to be posting a lot more now so speak to you guys soon.
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