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Everything posted by GrayGhost

  1. thedevilaside is right. Doesn't really matter what routine you do, you'll eventually see results. You're just starting out so gaining muscle is a heck of a lot easier than a seasoned weight lifter. and certain lifts that seem simple and very complex and it's best to have a teacher. It a pain in the butt but it'll be worth in the long run when you do your own routine.
  2. Ok Vito you still haven't answered my question, HAVE YOU DONE KICKBOXING AS WELL AS MUAY THAI?
  3. there is always a mountain to get over when you first start lifting weights. When I first started I didn't see result for 4 months. But when I got around that curve, I exploded. Getting up the hill is always the hardest.
  4. sound more like muay thai than kickboxing. What I mean is the elbows and knees.
  5. I don't mean to sound like I'm attacking you but if you get hurt doing 25 reps a set then you should stick to 15 reps. The only way to get hurt is if your form gets messed up from fatigue.
  6. Vito have you taken kickboxing classes as well as muay thai or are you just commenting? I'm not asking to be a BAD * *, I just want something to complement my BJJ and JUDO training.
  7. No way dude in BJJ you don't want to do low rep sets. You need to do high rep sets for the endurence. Like 2 set of 25 reps each. You'll be stronger longer.
  8. No, it was more of WTF are these pot heads doing. Selling stuff like this.
  9. But if you can't find an instructor., then get on limewire and down load a few fight videos. I seen some with take downs but not much. But differently find an instructor. Even you local high school wreslting coach would be of help f you can't find a JJ or BJJ instructor.
  10. only do it 2 to 3 times a week. Like Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. You seem to be overtraining.
  11. No the styles are different. In kick boxing is resembles boxing more, where you have your hands close to your face. In Muay Thai you have them up and away from your face, not by much but more than kickboxing. And in kickboxing you are not allowed to use your knee or elbows but in muay thai you are allowed to.
  12. ONE DAY___________DAY TWO Clean & Press_______Squat D. Lat. Raise________Back Ext. B. Bent Over Row____B. Lunge Front Pull-Down______Leg Curl C-Grip C. row_______Stiff-Legged Deadlift Bench Press_________Donkey Kick D. Flye_____________Standing Calf Raises D. Pullover__________Seated Calve Raise Dips_______________D. Preacher Curl C. Tricep Pressdown__B. Preacher Curl B. Wrist Curl________Finger Curl B. Wrist Extension____Farmers Walk The arm training is simply for vanity.
  13. I have a question about when to weight training. I do Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu on Monday, Thursday and Friday. Is it better to train with weights in the morning and then do BJJ at night or do weight train right before BJJ and third option is do it after BJJ. I haven’t experimented yet but would like some advise on what to do.
  14. Sounds like your friend is pulling your leg. Ask him if he knows mexian judo as well?
  15. I really need a an answer to this. Has anyone done Muay Thai and Kickboxing? And if you have, who do you think would win in a street fight? Or should I just say forget it and take straight western boxing?
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