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    karate, hockey, guitar
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RockSOLLIDD's Achievements

White Belt

White Belt (1/10)



  1. actually, bruce lee was still considerably strong. hecouldnt bench 400lbs because thats not what type of exercise he would do. he would do sport-specific trainig. either way, it is rumored that he was indeed very strong. big wt. + low reps = strength without size mid weight + 10-15 reps = some strength, lots o bulk low weight, high reps = sculpting low wt. (explosive movement) + high reps = best for martial arts Bruce lee was naturally small, so he could gain vast amounts of strength, without looking bulky.
  2. Well, Bruce Lee had a specific workout that would help with martial arts. dont just go and lift heavy weights until youre out of it. find exercises that are karate-specific. tell you what, ill give you my workout plan: karate physical training (2 times a week) day 1-pure strength 4 sets barbell squats(heavy weight) 3 sets explosive leg extension(medium weight) 4 sets calf raise (heavy weight) 6 sets wide chinups(no wt.) 3 sets machine row(medium weight) 3 sets barbell pullover(medium weight) 5 sets barbell shoulder press(heavy weight) 3 sets dips 3 sets deadlifts(light weight) 3 sets wide squats(no weight) 2 sets hammer curl(so that punches have more force, also helps to limit over extension while punching 4 sets hanging leg raise No Cardio Day 2 (explosive power, acceleration, coordination, etc.) 3 sets speed lunges 3 sets explosive jumps 3 sets cable kokutsu geri(back kick) 3 sets cable side kicks 3 sets jump squats 2 sets walking lunges 3 sets twisting sit ups 3 sets reverse crunches(straight leg) 3 sets explosive back extension 3 sets shoulder flye, raise, bent over flye-supersets 4 sets fist pushups 1 set hand stand pushups (as much as possible, but not to total fatigue) 3 sets cable punches(in proper stance) 3 sets dumbbell bent-over row(very light weight-60lb, 50lb, etc.) 40 min high intensity cardio--some sprinting on treadmill, etc. i usually add in some other exercises, but this is good for a start. here are some tips for these workouts: 1)if possible, use dumbbells or cables instead of machines 2)eat protein rich foods before and after workout, lay off the fat, dont worry about carbs( the new carb craze is just a fad.) 3) dont wait too long between exercises/sets 4)do large muscle groups first, eg;legs before abs, back before biceps, etc. 5) a superset is a continuos, no rest set of different exercises (1 set per each in a continuous sequence = superset 6)during cardio, dont walk, always have some intensity 7) you may be too busy to work out this much, but if possible, do this program twice per week along with martial arts stuff. i recommend doing day 1 on saturdays and day 2 on wednesdays. my workout program is shorter, but occurs 4 times per week. Ive taken away some exercies and decreased #of sets alittle from my routine, but this should be good enough. Remember, if you want to be like Bruce Lee, this is the type of program you need, but if you want to gain mass, i can give you a bodybuilder's program, or something else if you need it. good luck, and keep it intense.
  3. well there is, but the general foundation of the martial arts is pretty similar. ill only need about a year to go to tkd and adapt my style. i also find that karate is a bit more of a martial art than a sport, whereas tkd has become a sport. i have been to tkd and i find that karate is more challenging, but that is just my opinion. besides, i already have the phisical component down, so now i can train harder in the areas of skill.
  4. how much pushups do you do in one set?then it would be easier to give you tips.
  5. well, TKD is an olympic sport, and although it isnt karate, it is quite similar for sure. no offence, but it would be stupid for the olympics to have both styles. im hoping to compete in the next olympics, even though i do karate. the two are just so similar,that it would not be that hard for me to convert to that style. no, i dont think karate will be a sport at the olympics. besides, lets try to keep karate as a martial art alright? i dont want to see karate turned into a "sport"
  6. Well, its not that my kicks arent of solid form, its just that in ratio to my height (6'1), they look pretty bad and sort of hit the groin area at their highest.
  7. what you need to do is try to stay in the lower belt rankings for as long as possible. if your kicks arent good enough than believe they arent good enough and dont go for your next belt. dont go to your next belt if you are "at the level" move to the next level when you have more mastery of things such as side kicks. this is what i do. im still a yellow belt, but my skill level is actually closer to green belt, but my kicks also arent good enough so i told my sensei that i didnt want my belt yet. im getting my orange in a week because my kicks are finally getting to the level of my other skills
  8. there are 2 types of adrenaline. the kind you get from being excited, inspired, angry,and happy, and the other type is the type you get from pure fear. when you are confronted with by an opponent that you seem to be scared of, try to think of him more as another obstacle to overcome in your training. when you do this, your fear adrenaline which freezes you and makes you wobbly, will turn into excitement adrenaline, which is an extremely powerful weapon and raises all of your senses.
  9. dont look at just your weight and height, matbla. remember that muscle weighs more than fat. i need to know more before i can help you. are you fat, or are you just bulky?
  10. start out doing normal pushups, and god damn it, dont stop because you feel a bit of soreness, if yuo can do more, by all means, do more. once you can do about 30, do knuckle pushups, once you can do 40 of those, do finger pushups. eventually youll be doing pushups with just one finger on each hand, and maybe even more difficult pushups.
  11. this is true, but once you have adapted your body to a situation, it becomes much easier to perform in that situation. look at military training for instance.
  12. thats one of my problems. My well respected teacher has a different set of stances than the even more well respected mas oyama. should i do stances that my teacher teaches me, or stances that i see done by oyama? the stances are similar, but i guess shotokan must be different from the karate that oyama practiced. but is oyamas type of karate better?
  13. when i started going to the gym, i dint see results until about 3 months. NNNOOOOO!!!! it is not too late!!!! most people believe it or not, are very out of shape and if they do get in shape, it usually happens when theyre 30 or older. read fitness magazines and youll learn stuff then youll start to understand the physics of working out, then your results will come much faster
  14. believe it or not, im training for the olympics in 4 years (im a yellow belt). ive paid my teacher for private, intense lessons. he said i have the potential to compete. anyway, i train for a total of 8 hours a day. 3 with my teacher, 1 hr 5k run, and 4 hours weights. at first i had horrifying side effects(extreme fatigue)but now i do it 4 times a week and it's no sweat. im actually more at the green belt level now because of my masters lessons, so depending on the person, training can be for 20 min or as high as 12 hours a day(woulldnt rec. that). its funny though... i have all of this skill now, but my stances haven't improved much, and my flexibility is not improving. maybe these are side effects of overtraining.
  15. it all depends on your general body fat percentage, etc. if you are naturally overweight, then yes a healthy, low fat diet is good, but if you are like me, it really doesnt matter what you eat. actually, martial arts is a great way to lose weight, so as ken said, you need to work the muscles, eat well, and do cardio.
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