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  • Martial Art(s)
    1.kyu - Kempo Arnis Slovenija
  • Location
  • Interests
    Ryukyu kempo, Modern arnis
  • Occupation

Cobosan's Achievements

Yellow Belt

Yellow Belt (2/10)



  1. After a lot of testing I came to the perfect solution. I now fill my bags with leftovers from manufacturing "working suits" for mechanics and stuff. Its made out of 65% polyester 35% cotton. The bags are filled well and have the right weight. 4ft 40kg 5ft 50kg and 6ft 60kg. Thanx for the advice everyone.
  2. Greetings, I am wonderign with what you guys fill up your punching bgs and how much do they weigh. 4ft , 5ft , 6ft ? Sand and saw dust was used way back, what do people use nowadays. I had some bags filled with chunks of leather and a 4 ft bag made out of artificial leather wighed 40-45kg whils the 5 ft weighed up to 65 kilos. Is that to much ? Please share youre experiences. Sincerely, Cobosan
  3. I ve used it beofre on some seminars and during practice. Its way better than training with ordinary plastic or rubber knives. Believe me you are VERY AWARE of its location and try extra hard to do the technique spot on and not get "stung". Its not very painfull but its quite annoying and unpleasant. I suggest anyone training in real life combat and self defense to try it. Its not that cheap doh... Atleast here it isnt. Sincerely, Cobo
  4. We deal with this issue at each practice session. The fact is u have to break the distance atleast by half if not entirely - then the opponents punches will not have any effect. You could do it just by steping towards the opponent but we practice the s.c. " entry " with a hit with the elbow either to the face, shoulder, chest ( it depends on wheteher u r small tall etc. ) I with my 6"6 always hit the face in most cases. That alone is a shock for 99% of the people but it doesnt stop there. Thats SHOCKAGE which u must continue with any of the numerous combinations , grapling techniques, punches, kicks ... To show u what i mean I will share with you a shrot demonstrations from my masters ( Kincl 5.dan RKK and Brezovnik 1. dan RKK ). http://www.rksi.net/video/demonstracija_anglija_05.wmv Enjoy Comments are welcome.
  5. Just finished with seisan ( "finished" ) and like ti very much . A whole lot of bunkai to work with. A great kata indeed.
  6. Cobosan


    patusai: this is a bit exagurating dont u think. If people would do more bunkai and actualy perform what katas teach - APPLICATIONS - and not just flick and kick around the imaginary opponent would be there sooner.
  7. Just started Seiuchin Kata - RyuKyu Kempo ( DKI ). The first kata that has such a low stance . The thighs will be in pain
  8. When training u must also know that there are different kinds of leaps. In high jumping the footwork and the jump itself is way different than lets say normal jumping in basketball. Before i started athletics i could dunk a basketball with ease but when i started training i got used to the high jumping style and could barelly touch the hoop ( a major difference is a 2 leg or 1 leg jumping technique. ) So its not all about muscle and power but technique also.
  9. I have done a lot of training on this perticular subject and can tell you that nothing beats a load of about 1.5x your body weight and a step of some sort and start pushing. Thats for the lower part which is vital for jumping. As for the tighs i preffer "half crouch" also a load of 1.5x your body weight or more if possible a straight back and crouch away But dont expect results on day 1 cause it takes some time but the results last a long long time. My legs are still muscular as hell and i ve been out of high jumping ( athletics ) for 4 years now. I really dont think that jumping is needed in MA , ok for show maybe but any practical use is tough to find in aerobatic techniques.
  10. I agree with the age "warning". IT is deffinetly true that one should wait until he is full grown and developed before he does any real weight training or fitness. When i was in athletics all of my team-mates that werent 18 or over didnt see the weight room let alone train in it. Some people reach their max height at an early age ( 14-15 ) some later (18-20 ). I myself grew 7 inches between my 15 and 16 year ( thats a lot ) so wait a while you youngsters there will be a lot of time to pump those muscles
  11. Thank you for this easy to follow plan. I have a question though; how many meals per day do u preffer and what should be the time between theese meals ( 2 hours 3 hours ? ). How long before a workout should u last eat ( the carbs ) and how long after the workout the prots. ( I heard somewherwe 1 hour before training and imediately after . Is this true ? Thanx again
  12. IF 2.2 pounds is a kilo than the "optimal" weight would be 215 pounds. In our mesurements CENTIMETERS its the equation of X cm - 100 = Y kg ( kilograms ), I am 199 cm ( 6"6 )- 100 = 99 kg ( 218 pounds ).
  13. I would like to slip in if I may cause i have the same problem. I am 6"6 and around 180-185 pounds ( dont know exactly cause we have kilos ( 84 kg ). Most people tell me eat more eat more. I EAT A LOT!!! IF i would eat mcdonalds for a month i wouldn gain a pound. I am all bone and muscle. Dont get me wrong i dont want to be fat but especially my wrists are so "poor" that in a real life situation if i hit someone really hard i think i will easily brake it. My legs are fine ( was training athletics - high jump ) for some years. But my arms worry me. I would like to gain lets say 50 or some pounds to gain power and to strengthen my wrists and other joints. Any ideas on the nutritional part ? Any others ... dont be affraid to reply
  14. Congrats . I also agree thats a lot for 8.kyu.
  15. I dotn see any coennection with the factors involved since lets say 10 years age difference is equal to 10 pounds of bench press I calcuklated anyways and it came up to : 8.34
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