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TeaL's Achievements

Yellow Belt

Yellow Belt (2/10)



  1. This is only true in one sense. Strickly middle of battle fighting. Yes, blieve it or not, intimidation. This can play a huge factor, if your opponant sees that you have mastered even purly visual aspects of your weapon it may cause some fear in thier abilities. Secondly as a distraction, moving in with one hand, want them to look at the other? give it a spin.. let the light reflect off and catch there eye, just long enough to land the other hand. I agree, these shouldnt be tought to "newbies" however, they could be semi-useful overall.
  2. i blieve the originial use was in sparing, to be force prediction in your partners moves... of corse i could be wrong
  3. i was actuily there for a while... seemed to much of belt factory to me... i was (not just gloating) exceptional compaired to my peers, and i progressed and was treated exactly the same, i bored of it after a year.
  4. I guess no real MA guys want to come here thinking its a farm land, but we do have some pretty large citys... anyways, i live in rather large town called "Lancaster", and well the MA is slim pickings. I, and a few of my friends, REALLY wanted a bushido dojo, which we dont hav e and a Mui thai (sorry if i miss spelled) dojo. Which again we dont have. What should we do? any suggestions? PS feel free to come open a MA dojo here i know several who would join it.
  5. ya im 16, and i see this everywere... Im gym for example we played soccer, one or two girls were really into it and kicked some boy *, the rest stood in a circle and giggled. just the way they were raised, id say tought it out till somone else joins, or find a new dojo. Its a waste of time to fight giggling teenagers haha maybe you have an agressive female friend that you could get to join?
  6. Every dojo is diffrent, and it just depends what you want out of it. most places "break tiles" and things during belt tests, at lest mine did.
  7. Its common mistake to think strength is endurance, it sounds to me like a cardio issue... Try just jogging a few miles, nothing hard, only like a step above a walk. Get your heart rate up and keep it up.
  8. nothing unusual, just work through it. Your body probibly isnt used to having your heart rate up so high for a long period. I started wrestling this week, and i was DEAD after the first practice, i literaly couldnt pickup a soda.. now only a few days later i find after the whole practice im still ready to go, and not breathing heavy... just give it time, high heart rates are tough on your body, maybe so some jogging it shold help
  9. Its not about how hard hes hitting, hes just insecure about his size.. which i am too, and he wants to know if he'll actuily do damage to him.. i have the same problem, somtimes i look at a guy, and think even if i ran and dragon kicked him in the torso, he wouldnt even notice.
  10. Its not about how hard hes hitting, hes just insecure about his size.. which i am too, and he wants to know if he'll actuily do damage to him.. i have the same problem, somtimes i look at a guy, and think even if i ran and dragon kicked him in the torso, he wouldnt even notice.
  11. What is that supposed to mean? Im not familiar with it, but heres my reasoning: Buddah has been dead for a long time. If you see buddah, its a fake, posing to be him. ? just a shot in the dark
  12. 10 pound set? (5 on eatch) i lbiev eyou mean, because they almsot dont make 20 pound set ankles, i ware them too Thanks for clearing that up for me. You are correct though I did just bust one of them on the bags (surprise, surpise ) and still have the reciept and I did see a set of 10lbs each ankle weights at the local Sears so I'm going to look into those. *runs to sears*
  13. Blood chokes cause no harm, if not held for longer then say a minute. 2 minutes of no oxygen is the average time for a kill, anthything past say 45-60 seconds can cause brain damage. a quick 6 second showing, is completly ineffective to damage any part of the brain, even when repeated. Your brain gets less oxygen when you hold your breath for a minute then a choke hold for 6 seconds.
  14. 10 pound set? (5 on eatch) i lbiev eyou mean, because they almsot dont make 20 pound set ankles, i ware them too try back wieght too, i maintain about 25 for the last few years, i wanna increase it to 65 or so.
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