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Everything posted by hammer

  1. Congratulations! I'm down to 6 days now...can't wait to have the test behind me. As far as a big head is concerned, I guess I've had the opposite happen. In the process of getting ready for the BB test, I've realized that although I believe I have a decent grasp of the basics, there's a ton about the martial arts that I still don't know.
  2. Every time between classes...I get way too sweaty from a workout to do otherwise.
  3. This is good advice. My BB test is in less than 3 weeks, and I'm in a similar situation, but in my case it's work and not school...where I work, we have a major project deadline and I have to travel on both the week before and after my test. At this point, I'm just going to class and working out...I know that my technique's not perfect, but as long as I don't get any comments from the other BBs in class (which I hope would say something if I'm really messing up), I'm not going to worry about it. Good luck on your test.
  4. It amazes me how many times this one works...
  5. When's your test scheduled for now? Mine's on 23 March. Biggest concern that I have at this point are my breaks; I've done all of them successfully at least once, but lately I can't seem to get the hand techniques to go.
  6. Aside from the "imagine they're in their underwear" advice, does anyone have any other suggestions to deal with the nerves? I'm also testing for First Degree in a few months, and I'm a bit luckier than mskickerusa in that I've seen several BB tests and know what to expect. My greatest concern, however, is that my nerves will work against me and I'll make dumb mistakes that I usually wouldn't make.
  7. The club that I'm in does not have an age limit nor is there a "junior" black belt rank...but the head master does a great job making sure that the standards are consistent so the few people under 16 - 18 years old who get their Black Belt really do deserve it. A part of the BB test in our club is three sparring matches, and the junior candidates I've seen in these tests sparred adult Black Belts and were worked just as hard as the older folks. I agree with Myst...it should not matter what the age of a Black Belt is as long as they have the skills (physical and mental) to be a Black Belt.
  8. Not there yet, but I've been approved for testing in March. By that time I'll be just over 5 years.
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