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Everything posted by FONGDUDUK

  1. Bok Fu Do was develpoed in the 1960's by Richard Lee (then known as Richard Couvillier). Lee was a senior student of AL Tracy who modified the Kenpo system and renamed it as Bok Fu Do. Although still primarily Kenpo it also has influences from other martial arts as well. Over the years the system has changed quite a bit and today there are many schools teaching the same basic techniques but use different forms. Some are using Okinawan, some Chinese or even TKD forms depending on the instructor. I learned the art in the late 1970's from a first generation Richard Lee black belt and I can say that at that time it was 90 percent Kenpo. I believe the required techniques have been reduced and the brown and black belt techniques have been replaced since that time. BTW, despite what certain people claim on the Internet Bok Fu Do has no relationship to Bak Fu Pai Kung Fu. They are totally different and it is erronelous to assume that Bok Fu Do was developed from Bak Fu Pai.
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