I've had a couple good ones...in no particular order... -when I was a kid we were at my grandmother's and we all got called in to dinner, I was running downhill with a toy hoe (yes, the gardening tool ) and I fell on it...it went right inside my upper lip... -I used to pole vault in high school. I broke 4 through all of hs, but the last one was the worst, I was upside down, full bend on a 13' pole and it snapped 5 feet from the top, the bottom hit me in the shoulder blade at about mach 5 and the top flew 30 feet away. I didnt move my arm for 3 days after that....another 4 inches higher and that woulda been my neck...and MUCH worse... On the same shoulder, I threw a military press over the back of the rack and wrenched the hell out of it...that was NO fun! The worst was blowing up my L5 disk and having chunks of it inflamed and pressing on all of the nerves in my back and going down my legs. Many things contributed to it...one of the worst was before I knew it was really bad, I punted a football...OW...I think what made the chunks was getting punched by an angry psycho ex girlfriend right in the small of my back and dropping to the floor, not feeling my legs... Now I stretch every day and work out and I'm in better shape than ever Too bad it took me getting all busted up to get me off my * and get it done!