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Personal Information

  • Martial Art(s)
    Wing chun, Shotokan, a little of Goju Ryu
  • Location
  • Interests
    sports, martial arts, anime,ufc
  • Occupation

JKDkid2's Achievements

Yellow Belt

Yellow Belt (2/10)



  1. I recently joined hit taekwondo school and we worked on kicks roundhouse and side and when my body gets into that side position holding my leg up like that it is painful i was told the pain will go away gradually but how long did it take anyone else to adjust their body for those types of kicks?
  2. ANyone know some good martial arts schools in san diego whether it be karate, kung fu , or somethin with flashy movements or something Ufc related like muay thai or bjj I was looking online but i would like to hear from others who go to martial arts in san diego or know friends that do all help would be great.
  3. A lot of martial artists can be assummed cocky but you need to know how much confidence you should walk around with and not to much that people just want to deck you. Also i know a lot of martial artists who are like that because of their sensei. Some senseis speak about their experiences and what they can do in life that other people can't or aren't allowed to like my friend's teacher can kill a person so he says and i had one of my senseis boast so much i needed to leave endless stories of how he beat Billy Blanks the taebo guy it reminded me of that movie Sidekicks where the sensei was obsessed with beating Norris.
  4. thanks for all the posts you all were lots of help.
  5. ANyone noe any good dojos in brooklyn , no particular style or anything
  6. i stretch frequently, not really stretches that increase flexibility but something you do before a workout or game. I havent tried the swimming thing yet since there arent many indoor pools that i noe around brooklyn. im gonna try to stretch more and try the exercises thx all the help was great.
  7. thx for the replies and im 16 and a girl and my father took me to the orthopedic and he basically told me there was nothing wrong and that it was common for girls my age. He told me to work the inside muscles near my knee but was exerices could i do for that?
  8. i would like to get into better shape and improve my endurance but i have pain in my knees and ankles does anyone know any exercises that put less stress on these areas but can help me stay in shape and build endurance?
  9. to be the best i can be and for competition to be the best in the world
  10. well i got into martial arts when i was about 5 so my inspiration was Power Rangers and the 3 ninjas heh
  11. There has been a lot of topics on gaining muscle and losing the fat percentage for mainly guys but how about females how would a female go about staying fit getting cut but staying lean? nutrition? exercises? I also heard it was harder for a female to get into shape than a male.
  12. My sensei was talking about how if you came from another shotokan school and if you had your certificate for a certain belt level the one you were at that you could train from that level. I was once a blue belt in shotokan and now that i'm back im a white belt should i show him the certificate and start at blue belt or should i stick with my white belt since its been 6 years since i first started karate?
  13. I study Wing Chun and Shotokan Karate Wing chun is great because its effective,reflexive blocks and almost all around great defense. I like karate because it's more competitive and more cardio. They also have a weapon class which is great.
  14. http://www.muaythai-nyc.com/fights_Patty.html my friend was talking about joining this place and he lives in manhattan so i figured this might help
  15. Like the one that looks like a shuriken or any kind of patch like shotokan is the tiger i want to know what the shuriken looking thing is and what yin yang surround by black designs is. I also would like to know if you bought a patch and put it on your gi would you're sensei care?
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