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  • Martial Art(s)
    Muay Thai
  • Interests
    Muay Thai, Photography, Massage

Dragonfly's Achievements

White Belt

White Belt (1/10)

  1. Rofl, ok I came down with a BAD case of the stomach flu right after I posted this, and I just belted out 50 push ups without stopping and with no problem. I just had to take a break, my muscles weren't fresh they were bogged down.
  2. I know that at the gym that I goto, a Muay Thai, KickBoxing, Boxing gym, that there are many guys that go into the weight room including me, and come back out and train on the bags, and sparr in the ring, then play with the heavy bags on the ground for ground fighting, and then back into the weight room, then bag work, then conditioning, then sparring. They are all built extrmely good. Not like a karate school normally is. You have these obese kids that wanna learn SELF DEFENSE! and they are punching with their thumbs tucked in.
  3. About the using the kick as a jab. Haha. Man you guys are talking my kinda stuff here. I'm 18, and I grew up watching Bill Wallace on VHS tapes. My dad told me stories about him, Bill Wallace tryed hitting on my mother(3rd degree black belt at the time). I practice MT now, and when sparring my father, he often keeps me at bay with his kicks, light, fast, and snappy, and they hurt when they hit you. Then he comes in with hard hooks. So yes, you can use your feet like a jab. Lead leg side kick, side kick, side kick, hook, round house, side kick, back down to the ground and then BOOM power side kick and you are on the other side of the ring. Superfoot Wallace was my idol growing up in Tae Kwon Do. I wasn't in no "McDojo" and granted we aren't still fighting people on horses, but Tae Kwon Do works.
  4. I don't know why.. but it seems like push-ups require just as much, if not more effort not than when I started. I do 50 push ups , every other day. 10, wait for ten seconds, do ten more, until 50. Been doing so for about.. 2 months now, I am substantially bigger musclewise, and stronger, I curl 40 lbs each arm now. I can do a few pull ups... triceps are huge, push ups are like always.. do you think I should take a break for say.. 4-5 days and see if my muscles recooperate?
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