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Everything posted by parkerlineage

  1. Quick update: Just went to Barnes & Noble and looked at books about Kendo. I wish to revise my statement: I've decided I should look into Kenjutsu or some other sword art (but not Kendo)... Forgive me, and I'm sure it's a great sport, but the more I read, the more I decide martial sports aren't for me. Peace; Parkerlineage
  2. I'm fully aware that the best way to learn a weapon is from an instructor. But I live in a small town, where there are three karate schools, and I belong to one, where we only have four "official" weapons kata - one each for sai, nunchaku, kama, and bo. I personally have developed a second sai kata that we teach the students, and have learned another three bo kata. I recently bought a bokken, because I decided I should look into Kenjutsu or Kendo... My question is...is it just me being spoiled by AK's ridiculously long kata, or are most weapons kata from other styles ridiculously short? Am I looking at the wrong places? Anybody who has any advice other than, "See an instructor" (not helpful, but thanks!)...feel free to say something. Peace; Parkerlineage
  3. I happen to have trained in Ed Parker's American Kenpo for the last 11 years. I don't know enough about other Karate styles to judge Kenpo against the others, but I will tell you that it *is* a good art. Of course, we have our idiots, just like any other style. However, if you want a style with no religious aspects, generally hard hitting, very scientific, and quite adaptable, Kenpo is good. And, of course, it depends on your instructor...there those out there who shouldn't be. Peace; Parkerlineage
  4. I am one of several assistant instructors at my dojo. Here's a basic rundown of the assistant instructors (this will be pertinent in a second). 1.) Current head assistant instructor: First Dan, training for 12 years, not bad when he used to train...but hasn't been to a class for the last four or five years. I honestly don't know how he gets away with it...he teaches the kids every day, but never trains... 2.) Me. Current second in command, set to take number 1's position in a few months when he leaves for college. First Dan, but was a Junior black for the past four years. Trained for 11 years. I train at least twice a week, and know virtually every technique backwards and forwards (and also mirror image). 3.) Older man, mid 50's. Second Dan, trains just about as often as I do, been training for 7 years. Knows a lot about the system - but not a great teacher. 4.) 1st kyu brown belt. Trains a ton. Been training for four years. Not a great teacher, but knows a lot about technicalities. Basically, when students tell me that they learned something different, I ask them who told them that. If they say, "Professor Halsey," I know I'm wrong. If they say number 1, I know I'm right. If they say 3 or 4, I teach them my way, then make sure I was right by Professor Halsey as soon as the opportunity presents itself. In the same way, analyze the assistant instructors. Which of them train the most? Which of them has been training the longest? Unfortuantely, everybody is different, so they probably won't totally agree...you'll have to prioritize. But, as others have said...a surefire way to make sure you're correct...your Head Instructor.
  5. Shortdog had a good quote, but I think I almost prefer g's... Those guys should be ashamed of themselves.
  6. Thanks guys. I guess I'm afraid because I'm afraid of what everybody else is going to think about me if I lose. But, I guess that doesn't matter, does it? Physical injury is no prob...I've recieved many broken bones and such in class. The worst that will happen...I'll feel bad about myself... I'm going to try the routine thing, and keep in mind that the only thing I'm afraid of not impressing everybody...which doesn't matter. You guys are awesome. And, no, Chaz...I'm not going to quit and join San Soo, though I did like what I saw. hehe Peace; Parkerlineage
  7. Sure, you can't use a lot of the stuff from our techniques in fighting (ie. wrist locks, arm breaks...) but, when you get up to the higher levels, it's okay in our studio to sneak in a palm, elbow, chop, whatever... Of course, you start out easier than that...nobody likes getting punched really hard in the face. I think it really depends on where you go...our studio is one of the harder fighting ones. Peace; Parkerlineage
  8. I don't know where this should go, so I'm putting it here - feel free to move it to the right place. This is no easy thing to admit, but tournaments scare the living crud out of me. Sure, I'm a black belt; sure I've been training for as long as I've been in school (11 years...)... However, I'm a Seventh Day Adventist. This means that I don't go to tournaments that are on Saturday, which means bascially all of them. I have been to probably 6 or 7 in my entire career. Now, on the mat in class, I'm the guy to beat. The only person consistantly better than me is my instructor (who, by the way, is waaaaay better than me). I routinely slaughter people that are way older, stronger, or more experienced than me; my kata kick butt...but put me in a tournament ring...and I freeze. I've placed second in sparring every time, and first in kata every time except for once (when I had a sprained ankle)...but I *hate* competing. It scares me to death. I have a tournament in a month...somebody, anybody...tell me how to get over my panics! Peace; Parkerlineage
  9. My parents are driving me insane looking for scholarships for college... Does anybody have any links to places where I can find college scholarships related to Martial Arts? If we need to get more precise, I take American Kenpo Karate. Thanks all; Parkerlineage
  10. We actually don't in the studio where I train, but in a year when I open my own doojo at college, I will do this at least once or twice a month. However, the clothes I wear don't seem to inhibit me. But I loathe jeans and any other tight clothing...so it's like wearing a gi all the time. Peace; Parkerlineage
  11. I know for a fact that most of my girl students (all 13 and under) have 'crushes' on me...but if I were you, I wouldn't put much stock in them at all. You're a master at something they're just beginning in...you eminate power...strength...knowledge...of course they're going to have a crush on you (being 6'5" with strikingly handsome features (strikingly as in, "My nose is crooked because someone struck it with their fist while we were sparring...") helps...). Crushes come and go...ignore it unless s/he keeps pushing. Peace; Parkerlineage
  12. 17 years old, thank you very much, and I've been training for 11 of those 17 years. I know wee have code words...but since when have Clouds, Fish, Walls, and Birds been included in the 'code words'? By the way, if anybody knows what those actually stand for, I'd love to hear. Peace; Parkerlineage
  13. I'm somewhere between 6'5" and 6'6", but I only weigh 180 pounds (in other words, I'm a long stick with muscles). Because of my long training, small weight and ridiculous height, I have more experience, speed, and reach than most people in my dojo. However, there are those who are good at getting on the inside. A few tips from things people have done to me: 1) When he kicks, you block/evade, then charge in while he's coming down. Unless he's really light on his feet, you should be able to make it inside. 2) When he moves in, you get lower and move in faster - hopefully, his strikes will go over or past, and you'll be in. 3) Move first 4) Once you're in, don't stop. Keep pressing forward until break is called. 5) Don't be afraid. Us giants aren't as invincible as we may seem from waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay down there (hehe). Peace; Parkerlineage
  14. Hey, trippy...I see it! I don't really see the relevance, other than that it's rather cool... Um...there's a downward x-block from Long Form 4 hidden in the hand isolation from Long Form 1... Would that be right? Parkerlineage
  15. We have a variation that my instructor devised, still using the same techniques. Yellow- 10 Orange, Purple, Blue, Green- 15 3rd, 2nd, 1st Brown- 18 1st Black- 14 (with 10 thesis techniques) We learn some techniques that are not in his system along the way, randomly. Someday, if you want me to, I'll write them all out for you guys to look at. Sloth, that's very cool. I personally, of course, favor the Parker system, but I'm sure there are benefits to both, and combining them will give you the best of both worlds. Keep up your training. What rank are you? I don't want anybody calling me 'sir' that shouldn't be. Peace; Parkerlineage
  16. Amazing how we can all be the same style, but so different... Kinda cool, don'tcha think? So, Chinese Kenpo peoples...do you have the same or similar techniques to us? Peace; Parkerlineage
  17. So, all you Tracy people...tell me what the deal is with your style. What happened with Tracy and Parker? How is your system different that the right one (just kidding)? Why is ours so much better than yours (again, kidding)? Not that I'm biased. But seriously, though, I'm curious. Peace; Parkerlineage
  18. No fair! What gives Tracy the right to give out two more swords? By the way, what/where are they? Plucking a Bird From the Sky? I know that one... 1) Step back with right into a left neutral bow. 2) Raise shotgun into offensive stance 3) Line up barrel with point where bird will most likely be in a few moments 4) Squeeze the trigger Bye-bye, birdie (I hate that musical); Parkerlineage
  19. I'll give you a crest to sew onto your sweatshirt, too!
  20. Fine, be that way. Hehe
  21. My own personal opinion, but I almost see it as a neccissary respect to not hit women in the chest when I spar them. They don't full-bore kick me in the groin, therefore, I don't punch or kick them in the chest. Common courtesy. Chivalry is not dead! Parkerlineage
  22. Currently, I plan to never quit, as well as open a dojo of my own. Of course, I could probably end up changing my mind on whether or not I do that for the rest of my life, but I'm certainly going to have a dojo through college, and perhaps a while afteward. I've already got two students! (Yay...) Peace; Parkerlineage
  23. Sloth, that's an awesome site! Quite helpful, if I may say so. What about Tiger, and Panther...we like the kitties! Anyway, thanks for putting those up. I knew them all (of course), but it's nice to have them written somewhere for me. Peace; Parkerlineage
  24. Hey guys! We're all in the Karate section under Kenpo Roll Call. Not too many people, and kind of all from seperate species, if you will, of Kenpo, but we're all there. I'll even forgive you for being Tracy Kenpo, Lonekimono. (Just kidding) Ja, we're all there. Peace; Parkerlineage
  25. Now hold up just a second, Mr. martialman101. I'll agree that some of these people sound like their teacher likes to take advantage of his skill, but I would say a blanket statement like that is far overstepping your line. As for me and my instructor, I'm his third longest training student. I'm the second best fighter in the school. If he did anything short of really give it to me, I wouldn't learn. The fact that he and I can go full bore means that we have a good enough relationship to do so, and the control to give it everything without injuring one another. So before we go making statements like that again, let's either read the whole thread, or at least make a few respectful edits, okay? Peace; Parkerlineage
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