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Everything posted by parkerlineage

  1. Not that anybody other than like 3 people out there care, but yesterday, I was struck by the realization that Detour from Doom is Five Swords! Five Swords - Block, strike (chop), palm, punch, step up the circle (chop insert,) downward chop. (Very vague, I know, but if you know what I'm talking about, I don't need to explain it). Detour from Doom - Block/(punch), strike (kick), push (which is a palm), punch, step up the circle (chop insert), downward hammerfirst, which could be easily turned into a chop. Just to get a little Kenponess back into this forum.
  2. As I learned yesterday (see "Guns in MA", General Forum).
  3. Haha, I was just thinking that... Don't tell me Jet Li's not doing any more decent movies!!! That's incredibly depressing...ah, well...guess I'll have to start learning my moves somewhere else.
  4. I saw it (don't worry, won't give anything away)... I know nothing about him, but it kind of seemed like nothing could stop him, except Kryptonite of course, and ntohing was to hard. I like a hero with flaws, but perhaps that's me. 1) Spiderman 2) Batman 3) Human Torch (even though his name is kinda lame)
  5. So, perhaps those reasons, then, are why they are no longer required to get a black belt. Yeah, he's a cool guy...a real thinker, as I imagine one would have to be, to be a GM, right? Yikes! That would stink...I don't think I would ever pull it in a public place, more like home defense, or in an alley, or something...however, don't you think that you could tell the difference between returning a wallet and an assault? Besides, you're required to give them a verbal warning and clearly identify a weapon before you fire.
  6. I'm impressed - mostrly. Good technique - he's clearly practiced it a lot, in order to have that kind of muscle memory. As always, however, I'd like to know how much power he has with that; maybe see it on a bag or something. Now, on the other hand, I'd think that it would be effective anyway; getting hit that many times wouldn't feel good, no matter what the power.
  7. Yeah, I suppose that's true...but I still hold my position.
  8. I was just hit by a realization...or question. Is jiu-jitsu this brazillian thing, and ju-jitsu the Japanese one, or is there no difference? Until just now, I had assumed they were interchangable spellings.
  9. In American Kenpo's infancy, it was a requirement to have a handgun license to get your black belt. I am very much in favor of that, as is another black belt at our dojo, who took me shooting for the first time, today. It took me a while to get used to it, and I still don't like the 9mm, but by the end, I got pretty good at using the Colt 45. When I turn 21, you can bet one of the first things I'll do is get a 45 and a concealed weapons license. What do you guys think about having guns as a requirement for MA. My sensei's sensei - our Grandmaster - says, "You wouldn't take a knife to a gunfight - why would you take karate?" It's funnier when he acts it out while he says it...
  10. Impressive, Sohan. Mine is summer schedule is: Mon AM: 30-45 min weight training Mon PM: Teach karate 3.5-4.5 hours Tues AM: Kata/Weapons 45 min Tues PM: Private Lesson 1 hour, teach 3.5 hours, class 1.5 hours Wed AM: 30-45 min weight training Wed PM: Teach karate 1-2 hour(s) Thurs AM: Kata/Weapons 45 min Thurs PM: Private Lesson 1 hour, teach 3.5 hours, class 1.5 hours Fri AM: 30-45 min weight traning Fri PM: Teach karate 3.5 hours Weekend: Randomly practice when I have time *sigh*...I teach too much.
  11. Current: Club: Scott Halsey's Kenpo Karate City: Redding, CA Sensei: Scott Halsey, 6th Dan Come September/October Club: Angwin Martial Arts Club City: Angwin, CA Sensei: Me
  12. Wow! You're an inspiration. I weighed 170 when I started doing weights, and I'm 181 as of this morning...'course, I'm six and a half feet tall, so I've got some growing to do, yet. Thanks for the support!
  13. Yeah, I tried it, and I'm going to keep doing it, too! Of course, by the second time, I couldn't get through my Eagle Claw stuff, 'cause of the acrobatics and such...I sprained my ankle a few weeks ago pretty badly, and I'm still sort of recuperating, though I refuse to let it get me down...too much.
  14. Cool. I can do it without feeling lame or awkward now... I really like the idea of getting the name embroidered on it or something...so when she's done with it, we can pass it down to future peoples...I like. Thanks for the input!
  15. You could start by doing all of the forms you know as one long kata, at a steady pace to raise your heart rate. You will want some power, but concentrate on some speed as well. Try to do forms for 15 minutes straight, no rest. Then take a break. Then try another 15 minutes. I like to think of myself as being in good shape, but after I got through everything I know the first time (in about 15 minutes, too), I just about passed out! So I did it again. Great work out!
  16. I put a thread on here ages ago, complaining about how I had plenty of strength and did push-ups out my ears (and trust me - that's hard! ), but still got no result... Well, about four months ago, I took the advice of many people, started dumbell/free weight lifting, and taking protein supplements, and...ta-da! I'm not Mr. Universe by any stretch of the imagination, but on my senior class trip to Hawaii, when we went to the first beach and I took my shirt off, I got several "wows" and one, "Hey, you're supposed to be the nerdy kid, not the jock!" (from my ever-helpful jock friend, who I am now more musuclar than, haha). So, thanks to all who helped, and may this be encouragement to all those string-bean built people like me! We actually can grow a little!
  17. My little cousin (16, but she's still little in my eyes) just got her orange belt, and when she gets her purple belt in about six months (hopefully), she will be allowed to wear a black gi. I was thinking of passing down my black gi jacket that I got when I was a 1st Kyu brown, and wore through all three of my black belt tests, to her. I know it's traditionally belts, but I was six when I was purple, so, even though she's tiny, and I'm huge, it still won't fit. Anybody else ever had a gi handed down to them, or heard of it, or done it? PS. I washed it well, several times, and outgrew it about two years ago (so, no, it doesn't stink), but I didn't want to throw it out, because I wore it through some good tests/seminars/tourneys, and, hey, it's a nice gi.
  18. Um...just to cover my own rear for starting this discussion... I'd like to clarify that my major objection was those that purposefully shredded their belts...I never intended it to say that frayed belts weren't good, or anything. Yeah...
  19. Awesome! Gotta love pictsies, right? In the same "miniseries" of Wyrd Sisters, with the witches, the book Lords and Ladies has the NacMacfeegle. That was my first introduction to them. Read on!
  20. Terry Pratchett is only like my favorite author, ever!! I have all 29 of his Discworld novels (well, okay, there's 30, but I'm too cheap to buy hardback). Add to that list Haldarimdo, the martial arts practiced by a race based on called the Halda'ohtar - the samurai and ninja clans - in my book that I plan on sending off for publishing this summer. It's essentially what I practice, Kenpo base (in fact, there are three Kenpo techniques almost move for move, with a little added flair, in two pages), with Eagle Claw and Wushu accents, plus the fact that the main characters can jump three times their height and are really really fast.
  21. I find that one should play off one's strenghts when it comes to mixed fighting like that. I'm tall, but not terribly bulky, and most of my height is in my legs. When it comes down to the clinch or the ground, I'll use my height, speed, and flexibility to get into a position from which I can lever people off of me, then get up before they can and start hitting from standing. My favorite technique is to intentionally but subtly offer my front leg, or look like I have my weight back, then, when they come in for a takedown, do a 180 and smack them with my other foot, then take them down. Am I incorrect in assuming that the best position is you standing and them on the ground?
  22. lol, no, unless you viewed it as...a gumby arm that could extend to a finite point in a straight or slightly curving line...hehe
  23. I have come to the conclusion that if one thinks about a weapon in terms of this quote that keeps coming to mind that I believe I heard somewhere, but if I didn't, I'm totally copywriting it: "The master of a weapon uses no weapon," by which I mean the weapon is merely an extension of the body, one can literally transfer empty-hand or other weapon skills to learn the basics of nearly any weapon. Now, there are many weapons (ie. whip chain, rope dart) that I would never dream of trying with this philosophy (I like my eyes, and other body parts), but the sai can be viewed as another wrist, the kama can be viewed as another wrist with a hand permanently in a crane, the bo as some sort of weird, mutated arm that nevertheless ends in two hands with which you can strike, and has elbow capabilities, and the dao as another elbow (but without a wrist on that arm). Don't get me wrong. I'm not saying or even alluding that anyone could acheive any level of remote mastery by themself, but certainly enough basic skill that they could competently fight with them - if they practice realistic scenarios with the weapons - like bunkai, I suppose. Humbly submitted, and merely my opinion; Parkerlineage
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