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Personal Information

  • Martial Art(s)
    American Kenpo - 12 years; Danzan Ryu Ju Jitsu - Starting! (Dabbled in Wushu, Eagle Claw)
  • Location
    Redding, CA
  • Occupation
    Assistant Instructor

parkerlineage's Achievements

Pre-Black Belt

Pre-Black Belt (9/10)



  1. Headhunters tend to score more points in tourneys because it's more visible than a body shot. In my experience.
  2. Like knocking over a 6'2" 200 pound guy yesterday in my demo by placing my fingertips on a bag he was holding, and then closing my hand into a fist?
  3. Yes, do tell, since I taught myself how to do this. I do it as one strike, with the back foot, so far, but I'm certain I could be gravely mistaken as to the proper application.
  4. I was demoing to the kids at my dad's school. K-5, and then 6-8. Thanks for the advice, guys. I've participated in many of my instructor's demos, before I grew from the cute little kid to the kid that you're shocked at how good he is to where I am now, which is not cute, not suprising, but just tall and scary. I don't do them much anymore.
  5. I did my second demo where I was in charge ever today, and I did it essentially solo. It went pretty well. I gave some history, called up some volunteers and taught them how to punch or kick or do a block set, showed some joint locks on volunteers, threw my sai and bo around a bit, did some fancy wushu stuff, and then it was over. Anybody have some demo suggestions that I could use? I'm not quite sure how I feel about how it went, but I'm always looking to improve.
  6. I'm going to do it, dang it, if it takes me the rest of my life.
  7. Oh, another thing. Is ki measurable? Maybe I'm thinking too much like Star Wars, but do some people allegedly have more ki than others?
  8. Those are two different yet exactly the same instances. In my opinion, "Ghosts" are no more than merely Satan's angels imitating whatever they want, in order to fool humans. I don't understand why He wouldn't. And I've yet to read this Judas thing, but if God deemed it important, why wouldn't He have insipired people to keep it in the scriptures. Although I must say that the entire Council of Naicia really bugs me.
  9. Best of luck! I voted no, 'cause I thought it was kind of a ridiculous question, and somewhere inside my mind it was funny. I don't know your training - but if you've trained, and try your hardest, you'll do fine.
  10. It's great to have you around, Jiffy, even if you did get my name wrong, and beat me to black belt, and steal my idea of doing a little thank you post. Seriously, though, your input is quite valued - you and I have had some of the best discussions I've had on this site. Keep it up!
  11. I don't really believe in supernatural phenomena, because that implies that God is not in complete control, which I believe He is. So again, it really goes back to the origin of ki. I have no problem believing that it's a good force of some sort that is naturally in people - okay, I have a little problem - it's just such an inexact science that I'm not entirely sure what to believe. Does anybody have any good articles/reports for or against its existance, and explaining theorized origins?
  12. Some interesting views, here. I like what I see. I know I need to be patient - and I have a feeling I was borderline hopeless when I started. I guess you're right - those really do fit two completely different categories. In terms of kids that actually don't want to be there, I teach this one kid who only does private lessons, once a week, and never practices, and I kind of feel like screaming at nobody in particular, "MY TIME IS MORE VALUABLE THAN THIS!!"
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