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Everything posted by UncleBob

  1. Karate Jutsu Its a bit of a mix to be honest and as such doesn't really adhere to any one style of karate. The influences seem to be Wado Ryu, Goju Ryu and Ao Denkou Jitsu. Karate Jutsu is just the name the Sensei uses after noting that most of the local karate clubs emphasise the sporting side. We only study six kata and its not enough to simply be able to perform it well, we have to demonstrate a level of competence in the applications. Pairs work is based on counters to HOAV and the drills are derived from the katas we study with great emphasis on correct distancing, body shifting, unbalancing, deflecting, controlling and finishing.
  2. We only do six kata. Pinan Nidan Pinan Yodan Seinchin Naihanchi Shodan Chinte Enpi Isn't 27 a bit excessive?
  3. I managed to get my upper right arm snapped in the dojo and was in a humerus slab cast for six weeks (partner somehow managed to turn a wristlock/takedown for a knife disarm into an arm bar across his shoulder). Just had the plaster removed, but still have to wear a removable cast for another 5 weeks as the mend isn't as good as it could be. Even though I can now take off the cast to train a little, I'm limited to physio as the bicep has shortened to the extent that at maximal range of movement my forearm is still around 25-30 degrees from full extension, and whilst not as extreme the movement in the shoulder is also partially restricted. It is getting incredibly frustrating as I'd originally been told it was just six weeks, but having another 5 or 6 weeks tagged on top is driving me mad. At least I can drive if I take the cast off though, so I'm not bouncing off the walls with boredom anymore...
  4. You ain't the only ones. I abandoned the horror of GKR for Wado Ryu a few months back. Currently 1st kyu, as we have an inverted kyu grade system with 6th kyu being the highest kyu grade.
  5. Unfotunately I'm going to be out of training for a prolonged period due a 2" spiral fracture of the right humerus, just ebove the elbow joint. I'll be in PoP for at least six weeks (unless the first check-up shows a plate op is necessary) followed by a bit of physio due to having an immobilised elbow whilst the PoP is in place. I've heard a few horror stories about this type of break, including mends so flimsy they can rebreak simply through climbing rope ladders as well as stories of nerve damage that can greatly reduce the mobility in the hand itself. I was wondering if anyone had experienced a similar injury, and if once recuperated were able to continue with their chosen MA without undue concerns or any repeat of the injury due to mechanical weakness? And how long was it before you were able to resume MA training?
  6. Enter The Dragon Drive Hero Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon Drunken Master
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