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Personal Information

  • Martial Art(s)
    Tae Kwon Do
  • Location
    Columbus, GA
  • Occupation
    High School Teacher

draneym2's Achievements

White Belt

White Belt (1/10)

  1. This is a good question...here's my thing...I started TKD about six weeks ago and already my uniform is starting to come apart, literally. For example, every other class there are loose threads and the rubber/elastic part in the pants is coming loose/unraveled. The jacket hasn't given me any problems, just the pants. And I'm at that height where I'm too big for a 3 but a 4 is just a little too big on me and it's annoying trying to kick and the bottom of the pants is getting in the way. I don't know if your new school has their logo on the back (mine does) so once I get a few bucks I'll ask my instructor if they have something a little higher quality.
  2. This is a really interesting topic for me, I just started my teaching career at a Catholic high school teaching religion. One of my students also happens to go to the same martial arts school as me and I asked her to investigate this topic and find some common arguments against Christianity and martial arts being compatible. She hasn't finished yet but what I've seen so far includes using our oath and principles to argue her point and it looks good. I don't really have any new input just thought I'd post since this really interests me.
  3. Thank you for the advice everyone...I'll just take it easy from here. I'll definitely be sure to keep icing it. The school is closed on the weekends anyway so there's no temptation to go twice a week and it's been feeling better already.
  4. Let's see I just moved to yellow... Chun-Ji 10 self-defense patterns/movements Basic commands/terminology/Student oath Basic blocks (Low, forearm and high) Middle punch I think that was it...nothing really too hard, I took martial arts a long time ago like when I was 10 so it wasn't totally new but long enough that it wasn't second nature. I feel like it was too easy but I was in there every night and I practiced as much as I could. I think attitude was a part of it too...they could tell I was serious about it and many people aren't in there every night. Plus as a new teacher (high school, not TKD) I try to be an active learner (I encourage my students to do the same, so I ask lots of questions and my instructors are really nice and answer everything) So yeah, it probably was too easy but I didn't join just b/c I wanted to get to black belt asap but I hope it gets more challenging too, which I'm sure it will.
  5. I'm wondering if this is really serious or if I should just stick it out... I started training about three weeks ago (just moved to GA) but for some reason I have this pain right around my knee on my right leg. The left leg is as good as it's ever been. We hadn't been kicking or anything like that, just floor drills that night and right after class I had major trouble walking and had a serious limp. I've using Ibuprofen for like a week now, take about 3 a day (which I'm changing since it's not good for your stomach I hear) I went to some emergency clinic in town and he thinks I strained something but I'm just concerned it might be more serious. I've kept going to class every night b/c I enjoy it too much and it gives me a release after dealing with high schoolers all day but I'm wondering if it's a bad idea to keep pushing it. The pain is the worst when I bend my knee and try to pull it into my chest so it doesn't really affect me in class I just have to be careful like when I'm called to do something when I've been sitting. I wonder if it's just a part of beginning martial arts, I haven't exercised in a while but my conditioning is already improving. Kind of like when I started lifting weights I thought my arms were going to fall off but it's just a part of starting to really exercise those muscles. Any thoughts are appreciated! Thanks!
  6. Actually this really interests me too...I'm new here btw! At my school they actually stick all white belts in one time slot regardless of age. So here's my sort of funny story...I just moved from NJ to GA and I always wanted to start taking TKD but something always kind of got in the way (college, no money, etc.) Anyway, I go to my first class and lo and behold I walk in and the entire place is filled with kids...not a single adult white belt. And when I say kids I'm talking like kindergarten, first grade tops. So basically I'm more than three times the age of every person there (and I'm only 23!) It was interesting to see all the looks on some parent's faces. Luckily we have a really good student/instructor ratio at my school so I usually got one-on-one instruction and eventually a few older people joined the class (I was still the oldest though) I'm still getting used to being around the little kids but I try to not let it bother me. I just got promoted to yellow so I'm with a lot more people my age and it helps me to get to some more advanced classes to get me in shape.
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