Let's see I just moved to yellow... Chun-Ji 10 self-defense patterns/movements Basic commands/terminology/Student oath Basic blocks (Low, forearm and high) Middle punch I think that was it...nothing really too hard, I took martial arts a long time ago like when I was 10 so it wasn't totally new but long enough that it wasn't second nature. I feel like it was too easy but I was in there every night and I practiced as much as I could. I think attitude was a part of it too...they could tell I was serious about it and many people aren't in there every night. Plus as a new teacher (high school, not TKD) I try to be an active learner (I encourage my students to do the same, so I ask lots of questions and my instructors are really nice and answer everything) So yeah, it probably was too easy but I didn't join just b/c I wanted to get to black belt asap but I hope it gets more challenging too, which I'm sure it will.