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Personal Information

  • Martial Art(s)
    Goju Ryu Karate-Do/ Jujitsu
  • Location
    New Hampsha
  • Interests
    Any type of art, especially the Martial Arts

Karategurl's Achievements

Yellow Belt

Yellow Belt (2/10)

  1. Yikes!! thats kinda scary knifehand!!!...You should go as hard as the lower rank goes.. if they come at you full force, watch out!!
  3. Thank you... everyone for your info! Sorry about my spelling, at least you knew what i meant...
  5. I love MK!! nO MATTER IF they martial arts are bad or not... i still enjoy playing the game guys!!
  6. Hey MFGQ im in the same boat you are... trying to decide to go train in another martial art.. however i have been doing goju ryu for almost a year now so i definitly have the basics down. Though wonder if i should start a new MA before or after i get my black belt 3 yrs from now..
  7. My instructor has a tokaido gi... he told me it was expensive but he has had his gi for a long time. So i would think they have good gi's if not great.
  8. Just wondering... where can i go to get a REAL not that expensive, preferbally in the USA Kitana? Or at least a real one from okinawa??
  9. I sprained my ankle awhile back... like 8 weeks ago...However it still hurts. I tried sparring the other nite at my dojo and it hurt a little to stand or keep my balance on it. I still cant move it like i used to be able to... its not so flexable. If anyone has any suggestions on how i can fix my ankle or help the healing process to go faster would be helpful!! Thanks!
  10. I think every aspect of karate is important. From the physical to the emotional to the mental, you become stronger... Both defense and your offense attack is at the same importantace..
  11. just what I was wondering... when i become a black belt, im not sure if i want to start studying a different style of MA or not. I would like to become a higher rank and maybe a teacher someday... but i am not sure if by then i will want to put in all the man hours studying the same things. However, i would like to make my shihan pleased with what i have accomplished by becoming a teacher.
  12. Good question June1... i was wondering the same thing. However, i have always been wanting to take another martial art besides the one im currently in... Knowing that it might confuse me and all. I just feel i need more MA than what i am getting now.
  13. Wow!! That takes some respect, dislipline, and honesty to do that Beka!! Good for you... BJJShotoshe im sorry to hear about the couple in your class... but as sevenstar said, you shouldn't let them get in the way of your trainning. They are the ones who arent paying attention.. just make sure you know you are the better person who has the respect not to do something like that...
  14. Yeah especially when he dodges every attack black mamba threw at him... and when afterwards he always threw beard back over his shoulder.
  15. If you could make up your own mortal kombat characters what whould they be?? and better yet, what style(s) would they have?
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