I have learned a lot about teaching. 2 years ago I helped my shihan with the summer camp. But, I was more of junior counselor/assistant instructor. This year I operated as a counselor, and was teaching classes by myself. Often times my instructor could not even be in the building while I had 30 students to myself. The only help I got was from his wife, as the other counselors were scheduled to arrive after the class was over. When I would teach I could not get the discpline I wanted. They would play, move, talk, not pay attention, anything besides what they were supposed to do. At this point I was convinced it was because about half of them had some kind of diagnosed issue (emotinal/mental). But, then shihan could do it, so why not me. I also thought it was because I did not have what it takes to command respect as I see other senseis do. I talked with my shihan, and watched other teachers. It was so bad that shihan had a 10 year old girl keep the class quite after I had failed. I started changing my demeanor. I would stand up taller, and make my face less gentle looking. Stop trying to be their friend, and start being a sensei. The most important thing I changed was my voice. The tone I took with them greatly affects their obediance. Teaching children is a lot harder than teaching adults! I know I have come a long way from the classes I taught as a brown belt 3 years ago to today.