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Personal Information

  • Martial Art(s)
    GoJu ryu
  • Location
    Maryland - USA
  • Occupation

beginner's Achievements

Yellow Belt

Yellow Belt (2/10)



  1. They had to be some sort of spirited for the environment that the early Vikings had to live in...ewww brutual weather and conditions. In either case, I'm sure after MJ begins teaching his gf, she is sure to be able to kick some major bootay lol
  2. Thanks for the support folks! I am so pumped to whip my body into shape now and really get into this Goju ryu karate. The sensei even told me specficially that he hopes I come back, so I defintely wont disappoint. Jules, hopefully you can help me set up a workout plan soon. Btw, sensei used the word "Sempai" alot - does that just mean student or something? Thanks and can someone post how to count to 10 in Japanese so I can memorize it by Sunday? Or maybe I will just look it up. Thanks again guys
  3. I wouldnt want to mess with Jason Bourne (Bourne Identity and Supremacy...he is bad * lol) But for real, probably my new Sensei and Master Jules from this forum...he is insane lol (in a good way tho)
  4. Well folks! My first class is over and I must say it was a great learning experience. We started off by warming up with jumping jacks and other exercises. I got winded a few times even to the point of nearly passing out, but thats probably because my body isnt conditioned and I wasnt breathing properly...and I didnt eat much and get hydrated before I went there...yeah not a good combination but hey, I know better now and will prepare better for this sunday. I was actually surprised and honored that the sensei chose my quite a few times to help him demonstrate moves and techniques. Gotta memorize how to count to ten in Japanese too...awesome stuff!
  5. Is there any point to stretching even if you did not exercise such as in the morning and evening before going to bed?
  6. Dont think the corridors are tall enough down here in the basement rooms unfortunately But I have access to the gym and I'm about to get help in setting up a routine LET IT BEGIN!!!
  7. I have a small empty room in the room next my own down here in the basement that I was thinking of using for a speed bag. I will have to see how large the heavy bags are. Thanks for the info! I will definitely be practicing when I get back home. Oh yeah! I think the ninjas are on sale at Wal Mart, although they only come in polka dot and khaki uniforms...dont think they will be effective.
  8. Hey folks! Well I'm really excited, I signed up for the Okinawan Goju Ryu karate class on campus...so I'm officially in! Next class is on Thursday, so im pumped Are there any pieces of equipment I should wanna look into to supplement my training at home? I was thinking of getting a speed bag and some grip strengtheners...just for the fun of it
  9. Does anyone think the use of speed bags and jumping rope is an effective practice for MA training? Just a thought that occurred to me after I was in Sports Authority the other day
  10. Ooops! Thats what I get for checkin the forum too fast before class - I get it now Jules, sorry about that.
  11. Hey Brit, I'm actually extremely new to karate as I still have to begin my real classes next week on campus. I never actually really thought about doing practices at home, I thought I would pick up bad habits as well, but it makes sense now that I think about it to do some things. Jules, what can be done to prevent mushin? Because I think I would definitely fall prey to that, being I dont want to look like an idiot in class if I forget a stance or move. I'm actually doing Goju ryu karate for those that dont know and I'm already getting frustated that I dont seem to be getting the semicircular footwork down, its probably because I havent practiced it in class yet but doing it on my own. In any case, thanks for all the advice! (Jules - lovin the signature bro )
  12. Sorry to insert a bit of novice in here but I cant wait to learn more about all this stuff. School starts back up on Monday but my class doesnt start practicing again until the 9th of Sept I believe. So I'm sitting here eager to start training!! lol Oh yeah, I have some books on the way Jules! Thanks again for the heads up on some good titles
  13. Vertical separation of half black and half white. For some...odd reason lol
  14. Always wanted to do something with martial arts for self defense intially and now its something I want to focus on for enrichment as well as physical fitness. I also enjoy the historical aspect of martial arts such as the life and times of feudal japan. And after talking to some people here on the forum, namely Master Jules, my interest has skyrocketed and I'm ready to really delve deep into the MA
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