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Everything posted by Piastre

  1. g, You wouldn't be cynically suggesting that the U.S. only act when they have vested interests , such as in Kuwait? Or that nobody in the west gave a rats a$$ when Muslim and Jew were killing each other in increasingly copious and imaginative ways in the middle east until an atrocity happened on American soil? Shame on you.
  2. Well here in Australia, being the 51st state n'everything, we're right behind the US, ready to charge in and do whatever bidding our overlords desire. I myself consider George W a redneck simpleton who, when not reading from a speech carefully prepared by a speechwriter, has a vocabulary of approximately 30 words. His uninspired and rather inept response is as predictable as the self-righteous indignation displayed by the administration of a country whose diabolical, zionist-centric foreign policy is at least 50% responsible for the atrocities of September 11.
  3. I wasn't implying that he wasn't skilled as I don't know. I've actually read both accounts and I find it interesting the way people with vested interests interpret the same event differently.
  4. I've read a number of times that Funakoshi wasn't necessarily the best karateka in Okinawa at the time (in fact there were supposedly many better), but was chosen to go to Japan because of his education, not his skill.
  5. Jeff Speakman did some seminars in Australia a year or two ago...I love that quote S.gumby "if watching real life was fun, then we wouldn't need t.v."! Damn, I just thought of something. How do we explain reality television? Maybe watching the stupidest, most loathesome, prettiest "real" people doing completely inane things in the name of ratings is more interesting than our own mundane existences? Oh well, who cares?
  6. Seienchin is my favorite kata. I like it because it is so strong, and done well, looks impressive. It's also physically quite demanding. I also like annanku and rohai. Although I don't think that many styles do annanku.
  7. Bob Jones is a very good businessman and self-promoter.
  8. How many times can the same argument be regurgitated?
  9. On the stage, big screen or just in your spare time? Piano and guitar here, although my skills as a guitarist are dubious at best!
  10. The last photo I saw of Tyson he was as fat as a pig. That was maybe 6 weeks ago. He looked about 30lbs over weight. Has anyone seen a more recent indication of his physical condition? His mental condition is anyones guess!
  11. I tend to agree with you about Trinidad...he always showed a great deal of heart and a desire to fight the best opposition. Because of this I think he can come back from taking a beating. I'd love to see him beat Hopkins before Hopkins gets too old and people can say the victory wouldn't mean as much. I just think Hopkins might be too big for Tito. Hope I'm wrong.
  12. My Sensei did ju jutsu prior to taking up karate (I couldn't tell you what style of ju jutsu it was). He's always incorporated techniques into our training, and I think they fit in beautifully...they greatly compliment each other and I would definitely recommend giving it a try
  13. All of us cricket fanatics know that all roads lead back to Steve Waugh and his boys, but never mind. I can't wait for the World Cup. I'd just like to be able to barrack for Australia for once instead of Italy, although 1982 was a great time for the Australian/Italian community! I guess France and Argentina will be favorites, with Italy and Brazil on the next lines, even after the South American qualifiers. Brazil always give you the impression of being sleeping giants.
  14. Do you think Tito will come back as good as he was before Hopkins. Do you think he'll fight Hopkins again, and if so, can he beat him?
  15. Obviously you don't pull back to the hip when you're actually fighting. But, as previously mentioned, it does encourage you to rotate properly, so that when you're actually in your fighting stance, you will still rotate whilst punching. It also is for discipline. To learn to control your body movements. All kihon and combinations etc are done a certain way...for example, when you punch gyakazuki, you punch to the solar plexus. When you punch oi-zuki, you punch level. We do this in ALL combinations. However, this isn't to say that you can't punch gyakazuki to the head in a practical situation. It's designed to enable you to control your movements, your accuracy. If you can't punch to the solar plexus when you're supposed to, it shows that you're not able to hit targets and control your movements. If you can't pull back, it shows you can't control your movements. I actually had a discussion with somebody who thought we fought with our hands pulled back to our hips. I had a very hard time convincing him otherwise.
  16. My fault????? That's a little harsh isnt' it?
  17. For those of us who came from the bps (Before Play Station) era, and can remember when little black and white pixellated men moving jerkily across our TV screens could keep us enthralled for hours, or waiting 30 mins for our tape-loaded C64 game to (maybe) load successfully, which old computer, Atari and coin-ops do you have the fondest memories of? I ask this seeing the thread on PC fighting games and remembering the thrill I got recently playing the MAME version of KARATE CHAMP (without doubt the greatest fighting game EVER made, anywhere, anytime, ever ). I still remember the thrill of somersaulting over my opponent and then getting the full point with the spinning kick to the head! LOL
  18. Like I said, the brain suggests Lewis should win. The old Tyson would have gotten inside Lewis' jab with his great head movement and battered him with his superior handspeed, but the 2002 version of Tyson seems to have completely removed this head movement and his combination punching from his repertoire and now tries to knock everyone out with one punch. Lewis SHOULD be able to keep this Tyson on the outside with his superior reach and jab. Just hope he doesn't fight Tyson like he fought Tua. Still, while Tyson does retain that awesome punching power, and Lewis chin remains suspect, I wouldn't rule out a knockout victory for Tyson. Like I said, just a gut feeling. I certainly wouldn't put any money on it!
  19. I began as an 11 year old who had just seen Way of the Dragon for the first time! I was mesmerised by Bruce Lee and figured I'd like to give it a go. I continue to train today, 17 years later, simply because I love it. No matter how bad a day at work may be going, I have something to look forward to at the end of it. No matter how unhappy I feel going into the dojo, when I leave I leave with a smile on my face. I gain a great deal from martial arts, physically, mentally and emotionally. That's why I train.
  20. Of course, Hopkins might be one of only 2 or 3 people in the 160-175lb range who could actually make Jones do something more than have a sparring session with another punching bag. So for that reason it's a fight I'd like to see. I don't think they'll agree to terms regarding the purse though. [ This Message was edited by: Piastre on 2002-02-20 18:20 ]
  21. The brain says Lewis, but I have a gut feeling that Tyson might knock him out. (I'm dubious about Lewis' chin) Delahoya should beat Vargas comfortably. Jones beat Hopkins once and I think he'd beat him comfortably again. Just my opinions of course.
  22. I found training in water extremely beneficial whist recovering from a serious shoulder injury. And as Sai mentioned, running laps in water is great when you can't run on land due to the jarring, or swim.
  23. It would never be tolerated at my dojo. Just as a side-line. Would people here continue to train at a school where there was overt racism, or any ism for that matter? Especially if it originated with the sensei/instructor.
  24. The opinion might be biased, but it's certainly not unfounded.
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