I am not that familiar with prankration. However, I feel that Hapkido is one of the most well rounded arts (this is a totally unbiased opinion). When I decided to start training in MA, I wanted to find an art that would teach me striking, grappling, throwing, and joint locks/manuevers. After doing a lot of research and searching for different training centers in my area, I ultimately chose Hapkido. I may train in another art in the future, but I feel that if I don't it does not matter. I am very comfortable with Hapkido. Another nice thing that is nice about Hapkido is the fitness aspect. A lot of grappling arts do not focus a whole lot on fitness. Since hapkido has a lot of taekwondo influence, it is a great workout also. Finally, hapkido can be used as a MA for sport as well as a MA for self defense. Hapkidoist may not be able to use everything in their arsenal at tournaments (because it is a very deadly art), but we can hold our own.