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Everything posted by Ebola

  1. @ sauzin thx you post is quite useful. i will look for some kind of kobudo thing but as i said i will look first @ escrima @ my school because it would be no additional cost. there i saw some people train with tonfas or no more excactly with this modern kind of weapon that the police sometimes carries that has the form of a trad. tonfa just rounded a bit. maybe i'll talk with them and first learn these palm stick things there. Even if i like these movements of the nunchaku or other flexible weapons (chain whip or rope dart look quite nice aren't they ?=). And the idea with carring a samurai sword isn't that funny as it seems yes its not easy to carry hidden but who cares, where i live i think everybody would think it's a fake and some kind of freakish new trend from some sort of punk =) You know there are these guys who are playing live roleplays etc. i think everyone would think you're one of them =) so next week i could tell more maybe one of these escrima people can tell me what weapons can be trained there...
  2. @sauzin (sry last post came when i was writing so the edit) i can't see the conflict between your quotes that you took from me but that is not the point that I'm interrested in. That they need to be learned slowly is right but not my question. If i understood your statement you say that nunchakus aren't a good choice as a self defence weapon and you tell me that they should be trained as a kind of art that is nice and gives a lot of improving your overall skills with weapons. what kind of weapon would be your choice for self defence (I mean MA weapons of course so dont say carry a gun =) ? And why is nunchaku not a good choice ? is the "swung" movement even for very well trained persons to dangerous to control when hitting a target ? the problem why it seems that i dont know what i want is because i just train bare hand at the moment and want to start some kind of weapon i want a weapon that i like AND that is effective. I heard that nunchakus are effective and the movements i saw seem to be quite flowing and i thought i would like them. If you could give me a good reason why nunchakus are not good for using in a fight/self defence situation. I may learn the movements just because they are flowing and learn another weapon for self defence. But a question if they are not good in a fight why are they banned by many states (because its a risk for the owner ?! )? kobudo seems quite nice is this just weapon training ? puh it's late @ night in Europe so excuse my mistakes (next week i'll go and check out escrima=)
  3. @ granmasterchen have you read the whole thread ? i'm practising a bare hand MA but not karate why need it to be karate moves that lead to the nunchaku ?? maybe you could learn only the moves from karate which are necessary for nunchaku perhabs the stances etc. but i can't see why karate bare hand techniques are better ones than kung fu (*ing *chun) hand techniques to learn nunchakus. maybe you can explain excactly why the bare hand katas of karate are important for the weapon. thanks in advance
  4. ohh, ok thanks, i will check this question about legality. But on the other hand even if i can't carry them i would be interrested in learning them, may be the training of nunchaku is legal (saw some soft training nunchakus on web) ?! In about one or two years i'm going to move to switzerland and i'll check if it's legal there to carry them. And two years are to less time to use a weapon, you've trained, in self defence so, at the moment, my first problem is how to train them in a good way, without training wrong moves etc. I'm not sure if it's possible to learn nunchakus by just watching videos and training in front of a mirror. I think a teacher is needed ?! As I watched some videos on the net the moves seem to me as they are quite easy to understand and in fact i'm sometimes copying poi moves from just a video, but maybe there is the difference between learning something to look nice and something that needs to be effective. there may be details that you don't recognize as beginner and what is very important like some small wrist positions etc. ?! another question i have is there a way to do some kind of sparring / partner excersise ? how do you train how to hit or something ? i think that is a point that must be trained in some way ? thanks for your patience answering my questions
  5. i saw tonfa in escrima looks like a nice and dangerous weapon to me. yes and may be i will learn some basics and maybe starting in escrima(it's free two times a week @ our school). i saw also a guy who trained with some sort of two long knifes (machetes ?!) quite nice and surely more deadly than a nunchaku. But i heard from many people that nunchakus are great not only for striking but for grappling, holding and disarming attackers (for example knife attacks). maybe someone could tell me excactly why he would not chose nunchakus as a weapon (that they are difficult to learn needn't be an disadvantage). Sai is a thing i never saw in action. i have no idea on how to use them maybe a video or an explanation would help. thanks in advance (sry for my bad english)
  6. hallo, i quite dont understand why you need karate bare hand techniques to learn nunchaku movements in my opinions these moves have not much to do with each other except that the hand and coordination is skilled from the bare hand practising. And so my question is why shouldn't you learn these movements and get the coordinatination and other abilities from another MA (I'm practising *ing *chun the two weapons which you may learn after 20 years of training or so are just not wepons for self-defence). In Escrima for example you start with a weapon no other techniques needed.
  7. hallo, I'm interrested in learning Nunchaku as an effective self defense weapon. I'know it's a traditional and quite dangerous weapon and understand that some people think it should only be thaught to black belts. I have another martial art style that I'm training on and no time to start karate. I also have some kind of training with POI a kind of dancing equipment just to be swung with fire and to look good. So i think it may help me with nunchakus because of the fast hand coordination. But after all that I want to learn effective self defence techniques with nunchakus. Is there a way to learn good techniques without studying karate and start directly with nunchakus ?! thanks in advance
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