ohh, ok thanks, i will check this question about legality. But on the other hand even if i can't carry them i would be interrested in learning them, may be the training of nunchaku is legal (saw some soft training nunchakus on web) ?! In about one or two years i'm going to move to switzerland and i'll check if it's legal there to carry them. And two years are to less time to use a weapon, you've trained, in self defence so, at the moment, my first problem is how to train them in a good way, without training wrong moves etc. I'm not sure if it's possible to learn nunchakus by just watching videos and training in front of a mirror. I think a teacher is needed ?! As I watched some videos on the net the moves seem to me as they are quite easy to understand and in fact i'm sometimes copying poi moves from just a video, but maybe there is the difference between learning something to look nice and something that needs to be effective. there may be details that you don't recognize as beginner and what is very important like some small wrist positions etc. ?! another question i have is there a way to do some kind of sparring / partner excersise ? how do you train how to hit or something ? i think that is a point that must be trained in some way ? thanks for your patience answering my questions