ok...heres what i've come up with...please fix if you see any problems... 1 set for now...i'll move onto 2 in about a week.. with 2.5kg 15 chest press's 15 should press's 15 latera raise's 15 bent over row's 15 squats 15 hammer curl's 15 side bends with 1-2kg weights 15 tricep kick backs(they seem harder to do ) This is just what i came up with from reading a help sheet that came with te dumbells...
Hi, i just bought some weights(dumbells) and was wondering how much i should be lifting, how many, and how many days a week? the weights i got with them are: 4 x 0.5 kg 4 x 1.25 kg 4 x 2.5 kg