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dixon3133's Achievements

White Belt

White Belt (1/10)

  1. Songs from Rocky films and pokemon songs and other anime songs
  2. Yea, i'm gonna do it every 3 nights, i do squats and skipping for lower body and running...i'll look into bunny hops, not sure how to do them
  3. I'm lowering the number from 15 too 12. My arms seem alittle sore so i'm gonna skip lifting tonight
  4. ok...heres what i've come up with...please fix if you see any problems... 1 set for now...i'll move onto 2 in about a week.. with 2.5kg 15 chest press's 15 should press's 15 latera raise's 15 bent over row's 15 squats 15 hammer curl's 15 side bends with 1-2kg weights 15 tricep kick backs(they seem harder to do ) This is just what i came up with from reading a help sheet that came with te dumbells...
  5. mainly strenght and endurance, with a little mass.
  6. my usernames Kuan Hsing, i'm lvl 70.
  7. i wanna be stronger. I'm thinking about going to kick boxing...
  8. Hi, i just bought some weights(dumbells) and was wondering how much i should be lifting, how many, and how many days a week? the weights i got with them are: 4 x 0.5 kg 4 x 1.25 kg 4 x 2.5 kg
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