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  • Martial Art(s)
    kun toa, mcmap

kuntoafighter2003's Achievements

White Belt

White Belt (1/10)

  1. Hey everybody im back...i haven't posted for few months because i've been working alot and im about to deploy to iraq soon, but I want everybody to keep in contact with me on my training because I plan on training almost every day whenever i get a chance. i just want every body to keep me motivated so i dont stop training. you guys can even give me tips if you want. while im training i send pictures of the result and what i look like so you guys can see how much stronger im getting.
  2. frontsnapkick,sidekick,backspinkick,roundhouse, cresentkick,2 seikens, waitsi,hop sidekick
  3. when see alot of people talking about their ki and their Kiais i just here alot yelling and thats it.... i tell myself its sad they're weak...
  4. Jackie Chan is the most skilled martail artist on tv now day but people fail to realize how fast and strong he is..he doesnt show all his speed and techniques in his movies but he is very dangerous...he know so many styles of fighting and hes good with them....most people know alot styles and are only good with one.
  5. ill eat what ever i want......since i work out its ok
  6. its all important no one is more important. your body is a unity you cant live without your heart....
  7. iwould: break legs gouge eyes and use kicks to keep opponent away from me and to knock them on the ground so i can start stomping them in the face not stand in one place not talk a whole lot of * in the beginning of the fight
  8. i pay $40 a month and go as much as i want.......
  9. breath is a manifestation of chi that was a smart comment..... i know good amount about chi..feel free to ask
  10. i actually no a little on dim mak be cause it comes up in my chin na and tai chi books....and because kun tao is a deadly style of fighting wich incorporate internal and external techniques making it a balanced style....people fail to realize what dim mak truely is....the way you body works flow, and even strive to exist...your body works to obtain its balance....by breaking the balance you can cause harm to a person....by hitting certain points: swelling organ or vital arteries and veins or vital point of a person body you can cause extreme amounts of damage.If someono damages an organ in your body it fails in turn it will poison your body in then in time even die or shut your body down....snake style for instance in fast and acurate and very deadly it might not be called dim mak but it executes some of the same concepts of dim mak. snake style blinds,poisons,knocks out, and even more entense things can happen to a person when use this style.....many people ask stupid such as "is dim mak real?" have they sat down and read a book on dim mak ...have ever in your life of martial arts studied some pressure points...or even the nervevous system...if i can hit person in certain place and make lungs stop, or knock some body out what do you think a more deadly strike would do to a person...most styles of martials have techniques that cause extreme amounts of damage or kill people. nowadays it just a matter if its taught.....accupunture and acupressure can be use in more ways than it should...
  11. dim mak does exist but its not actually a style it can be applied with other styles its more like concept or technique thats within lots of chinese martial arts....you cant just know dim mak you have to know how to fight first...you cant give birth to a baby without the egg being fertilized...dim mak deals with alot of science.....ill leave it at that
  12. many people reach a certain color rank and think they're good but they still suck...they dont know how to apply it, and they look down on other just because reach the highest rank does mean youve masterd it.... the true warrior never underestimaetes his opponent and keeps aware of his opponent deceptive way.....
  13. you actually l got lucky...because you cant fight bullets with your fist..the smart fighter knows when to back down and walkaway..in this case you got in your car....sure there are techniques to use against gun but how much do you practice them and how confident do you feal about you using these techniques against and opponen....the thing now days people fail to realise fighting is thinking game....some with the basics in my style could beat a black with more techniques if hes smarter and in shape. a black belt doesnt realy mean any thing if you dont know how to apply it..like when i go to tournaments i see black belts fighting just like the beginners but they just hit harder.....i usually dont worry about what others do wrong but a worry about myself making sure i uphold goals and upkeep my honor.. thats it...
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