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Eru's Achievements

White Belt

White Belt (1/10)



  1. Lol if anyone was really into Tolkien mythology (jrr Tolkien was the writer of the lothr) they might've guessed I'm a fan by my name. Eru is the name of the god that everyone praises on middle earth, like a hobbit's jesus (I'm not being sacreligous). So needless to say I've seen the movie and read the books. I don't think the ending was dissapointing, it was a smart ending lol. Now everyone will have to see the next two lol. (the books were the same way for me lol, i read to the end and was like holy crap) Oh well, I can say this: If they follow the next book as closely the second ending isn't quite as bad. LONG LIVE GANDALF, SCREW THE BELROG!
  2. I don't know. But age definetly would not be a problem. I have two people in my class older than him, one of them is 44 and he's a purple belt (which is awesome considering he's only in his second year. He also has tons of back problems, but he packs a mean front kick. Besides, if older folk couldn't do it, then who would teach the younger folk ....
  3. About the tooth knock out it wasn't intentional. And I was using a moderately weak backfist. The real problem is that he was trying to waylay me with some odd form (but still powerful looking enough to get me to react lol) of a spinning punch of sorts. So his head turned into the backfist resulting in a harder hit. As for girls talk....gee I don't know. But around here I always see girls traveling to the bathroom in packs, I wonder what is in the girls room so terrifying that they must team up to brave it. lol
  4. I do much like that, I use a table for balance. But I actually like to put on the leg weights I got from my local sports shop. With ten pounds or more on your ankle you'll find that when you take the weight off you can hold your leg up much higher and longer lol. It's helped me to do lots of kicking without putting my foot on the ground. (Although in a real fight I dont know if I'd be able to get much use out of it, unless I was either surrounded or facing some dude who didn't realize he could get away from the flying foot lol)
  5. Yesterday I held my birthday party (it ended today lol, my birthday was actually the third though). And while we were sitting around, a dispute started about what every warm-blooded male talks about. Who is the toughest? After a long fight (verbal) and a bunch of shallow threats being tossed around I was kind of fed up so I was about to go get some pizza donstairs when one of them made fun of me and my martial arts claiming they were of no use and that they were tougher blah blah. I guess the mt.dew got to me, I told him I'd take him up on that bet and went to my closet to retrieve my kickboxing equipment. I told everyone that if they wanted to settle their disputes with each other then the best way was to actually find out who was really toughest. It was a total blast, barnyard (no rules) kickboxing ensued for the next few hours. Full contact, full power. It was a total blast to see how truly improved martial arts have made me in my fighting ability. I even got so in to it and such that I pulled a classic element of Martial Arts movies on one of them. I let them have I think 9 or ten free gut hits lol. In the end I did eventually do the best, although without use of my fingers I couldn't use my true love, pressure point attacks and joint manipulation. Anyway, I figured I would post about my little tournament. Anyone else ever done somthing like this? (p.s. to note the injuries gained here's a list of all the ones I know as of now lol) Loss of a Tooth (I caused it lol) Large bruise on spine (I got it ow...) Sprung wrist (I watched it) Bruises all over (mostly everyone had those, I dind't have many though) Hurt pride (the guy who lost his tooth lol)
  6. I'd go with a straight punch towards the stomach, as lowering the punch will help it gain speed and gravity will make it seem harder. And for kick, I'd go with a side sick, preferably with a slide or sidestep to start it off.
  7. Eru


    i don't watch anime, but I do babysit a kid who has to watch the cartoonnetwork 24-7. So I kinda like the gundam wing show. Mainly because it had alot of fight philosophy in it. From what I watched I think I might enjoy it. But I don't get that channel at my house lol. I'll stick with my bugs bunny...or...uh...yeah...
  8. I burned a cd with some chinese orchestra numbers, they don't sound like the typical stereotype 'oriental' sounds. But the music (any orchestra, like the music in StarWars episode 1) helps me fight with better skill. As hardcore rock tends to make me fight recklessly (but a heckofalot harder too lol) Eru!
  9. Eru


    Either my dreams cease to be of noteworth, or I've just stopped dreaming. For somewhere close to six years I haven't had a dream, or at least when I wake up I don't recall a dream. It's strange, but the nights seem to pass faster without getting chased by the boogie man. Eru!
  10. I meditate a lot. But to me it's a balance between the traditional "sit cross legged close your eyes and don't move" (which I do sometimes, so don't get the wrong idea about me) and the chill out factor. I meditate alot mainly because I tend to get colds all the time. And meditation gets me through long periods of headache and congestion. It also helps me calm down when I'm mad or sad. (of course if you don't know this already lol...) Anyway. The method I think is best for me is to sit down (knees ahead, feet behind, TKD style meditation) and turn on some music (with me it is always classical or orchestra, they really work to get good meditation, as words will distract you somewhat, so know britney spears or whatever lol). My best scenerio for meditation is imagining myself in soft field with lots of sunlight and shade. I usually imagine that I'm talking with the girl that I'm crazy about. (but too much of a whuss to approach )
  11. I think learning martial arts has put a bigger sense of paranoia in me. Because I had my eyes opened to a world where muscles don't mean half as much as one would think. It's kinda wierd, but I sorta 'size up' everyone I see. I look at how they carry themselves, and wether or not they seem to have a weapon on them. But heck, who am I kidding. Even though I don't like it, I have to admit, that...well... I sorta like getting into fights. (If you read my post about meaningless bravado then know this: I dont believe in it, but I often get tempted into it...sigh lol). Fighting is like a big conductor, if your upset, you can conduct your misery into your opponent as you send him a good one.
  12. Patience eh? Well, I'd say that you should realize that losing your patience will make the interval of time you are experiencing seem even longer. So tell yourself that if you lose your patience, it's going to end up delaying you further. Of course if that fails you can always find the nearest sibling or best friend and beat the living snot out of them.
  13. I swear there is an echoe in this forum lol.
  14. I don't like getting into real fights. But it happens alot here. I live in Indiana, right in the hick center. And the good ol' boys like to see how they fare against a 'ninja' (how I hate that term being used for me, I don't study ninjitsu, nor am I an assasin). Needless to say, when the current Billy Bod starts to lose his posse joins in. I was fighting one rather large (chunky/tall) fellow, and his friends started coming. So I grabbed the nearest thing (that being one of those rubbermaid trashcans) and clobbed them with it. Then I simply took that time to leave. Mainly because I don't believe in meaningless bravado (since they were down, I shouldn't pursue any further right?).
  15. Speed eh? I can't say that it is better, but it is important no matter what. Like putting out the flame with a punch, I find that I can put out a candle just as fast with a flurry of punches as I can with a few slow ones. Of course, as others have stated skill is needed, a balance of all aspects. I think the only speed that is truly nessacary to be at it's best is one's mind speed. The speed of one's thoughts will determine the fight. Processing the incoming move prompts you to use the right one to counter it. As far as which I use most in a real situation, I'd say speed. Speed confuses your enemy (who wouldn't be, with a blur of fists flying at them), and it does make power. And out of five hits, you're sure to get one right lol. Punches per second, well...I'd say on average if I'm trying my fastest, four (on average). Of course flurry punches get exhausting, so how many seconds I could keep it up I'm not sure.
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