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Everything posted by Kamiya

  1. Like battousai, my name comes from Rurouni Kenshin. ^_^ Kaoru Kamiya, assistant master of the Kamiya Kasshin style. ^_^
  2. Indeed, which brings up the question: How can you possibly be there at your computer posting, at the same time that I'm at my computer posting? (P.S. I saw one of your other posts where you mentioned MST3K and Culvers...GASP my sister works at a Culvers!!!!! )
  3. I'm 22, although I often get mistaken for 16 or so.
  4. Eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeew!!!!!!! Incidentally, Battousai, you and I seem to have a lot in common. I, too am from Wisconsin, enjoy martial arts, video games, MST3K, and reading, and like Rurouni Kenshin. ^_^ Are you sure you aren't me, or vice versa?
  5. Interesting theory, not sure if I completely agree. I agree with whoever it was before (too lazy to go back and look, sorry!) that pointed out there are many other ways to achieve social interaction outside the martial arts. I think there must something more to the martial arts that makes people choose them specifically. I have numerous reasons for studying karate, and social interaction isn't really one of them. I think one of my biggest reasons is that I just find it so neat to learn an art form that's been passed down for many generations. I think the martial arts are beautiful and I want to do my part to help perpetuate them. ^_^ Of course, I also really need the exercise, plus I've seen so many martial art moves in the movies or on TV that just look SO DANG COOL I HAVE TO LEARN THEM!!!
  6. Boy oh boy, am I learning the importance of drinking enough water throughout the day. Last night during karate we were doing some kicking drills, and then I felt sick. I had to ask to get a drink of water. That's the second time that's happened. If I don't aim for the recommended 64 ounces a day, I'm really hurting during class. Doesn't help that the dojo can get kinda hot. So yeah, moral of the story, drink your water, people.
  7. I'm 5'5", haven't seen a big problem with it yet. (I'm pretty average for a female, I think. ^_^) Although I do have to work a little bit to be able to do some of the defense moves in karate, probably due to a slight lack of leverage if I'm trying to take down a taller person.
  8. So far at the karate school I'm attending, the class size has been fairly small. When I was in the tkd club at my college, the classes were much larger. I'm finding I prefer the smaller classes, largely due to that more relaxed atmosphere and the individual attention.
  9. Heehee, I spoke just a little too soon, because I got my pants and white belt today. So yay! My uniform is a little big on me, but that's ok because it might shrink. When I was in tkd my pants became too short. My karate pants are long on me, so hopefully everything will equalize. Now it's just a matter of getting used to the fact that my uniform makes it seem like it's 100 degrees in the dojo! Ah, the joys of martial art uniforms, how I missed them!
  10. Whaaa, I'm jealous! When I started last Friday, they only had the top of the gi for me, so I still don't have pants or a belt!
  11. You know, I put 31-40, but really I'm not sure. I've only been to 4 classes so far, and usually there's only 2 or 3 other people besides me! That's ok though, I like the small class size.
  12. Wow! That's a lot of testing!
  13. Good luck in advance.
  14. Hi Russ, I just wanted to comment because I too recently chose between guitar and karate (I really don't want to be paying for guitar lessons AND karate every month!) I've only been playing guitar since January, and I've wanted to study the martial arts for years, so karate won the showdown for me. Welcome to the forums! (If I can say that, being new to the forums myself. )
  15. The dojo I just started at goes: white white w/ yellow stripe yellow orange green blue purple 3rd kyu brown 2nd kyu brown 1st kyu brown black However, when I was doing TKD, our belts went: white yellow purple purple w/ green tips green green w/ brown tips brown brown w/ red tips red red w/ black tips black
  16. White belt here, just started last Friday. Tonight's my 4th class. And boy, are my triceps sore!
  17. I started tae kwon do in October 2002 at age 20, stopped in June 2003 at age 21, and last Friday started Shorin-ryu at age 22.
  18. Well if you're looking for cool martial artists, you've definitely come to the right place!
  19. Name: Erin Rank: White belt Style: Kobayashi Shorin-ryu
  20. Thanks all, for the warm welcome!
  21. Thanks for moving it, gheinisch, I wasn't positive where the best place to post would be. I've been lurking around here for awhile, shoulda remembered there was an introductions section.
  22. Hi everyone. Just wanted to introduce myself as I'm new to the forums. I'm Erin, 22 years old and tonight is going to be my first karate lesson. I did tae kwon do at school for a little while, but I stopped over a year ago, due to a little bit of laziness combined with internal problems in the club. But now here I am, I guess I just couldn't stay away from the martial arts. (Actually, this may sound corny, but although I've been had a nagging desire to start up again ever since I quit, nothing really pushed me to get going until I saw "The Last Samurai" a couple weeks ago. Then I was all "That's it, I'm getting back into martial arts NOW!" Does that sound dumb?) Anyways, I just wanted to say hello! I look forward to my new journey, and to sharing it with my fellow martial artists.
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