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Personal Information

  • Martial Art(s)
    Shotokan JKF
  • Location
    Gatineau, QC, Can

Eriku's Achievements

White Belt

White Belt (1/10)

  1. It's funny how the belt color and ranking differ from a Shotokan style to another.. here's our JKA Shotokan belts (under Sensei Yamaguchi) White - Kyu 9 Yellow - Kyu 8 Orange - Kyu 7 Green - Kyu 6 Blue - Kyu 5 Purple - Kyu 4 Brown - Kyu 3, 2, 1 Black However in Japan, they only have white and black
  2. Purple belt (4th Kyu) JKA Shotokan. Is it me or this is about the belt where most injuries happen? I think I've sprained my fingers and toes a countless number of times. Propably due to the fact that we're increasing speed and power.. ah well.. part of the game
  3. Work out the anticipation. Your legs are most likely longer than the opponent's arms, so a front kick in the solar plexus or the groin should do it while he initiated the push. I practice that a lot in Shotokan classes, works pretty well. But anticipation is the key to a successful and quick ending of a fight. I've seen posts around here about one shot/one kill... that's a pretty good example.
  4. Hi! I practice Shotokan too. In fact, I just finished my 4 day training camp with Toru Yamaguchi Sensei this weekend.. quite the drill lemme tell ya... I can feel muscle fatigue this morning coupled with some minor bruises but all is fine!
  5. Howdy, I'm 99% sure I've broken my left foot's big toe last week during sparring (front kick aimed at opponent's abs -- the dumb*ss blocked by lifting his leg so I hit his knee ). I've never seen such swollen horror lemme tell you.. and it's black/blueish all around. Although it's healing well after applying the R-I-C-E method, it still hurts when I try to run or jump. I'm getting concerned since I have to go to a tournament at the end of the month. I was wondering what you guys recommend to do to continue training?
  6. Ramymensa, Thanks very much! Very nice wallpaper. It is now showing on all my computers, 2 at home and 1 at work! Let me know when you have any other available. Cheers!
  7. Does anyone know where I could find Karate (Shotokan style) desktop wallpapers on the net? I did quite a few searches but didn't find anything superb. Maybe I'm just too fanatic about it.. Cheers!
  8. Oh my.. hopefully that's in Canadian currency, not US?!! Nonetheless, it is expensive no doubt about it. I pay $30CDN a month for 2 times/week (1.5 hour/session) for a high quality JKA Shotokan class. Heck, we even get to train with Japanese masters 2-3 times a year at no extra cost!
  9. Howdy, I was wondering what are your thoughts on gym traning on top of regular 3 hours/week MA training... do you also do gym training (weights, cardio stuff, etc..) ? Would you consider this overkill? I know for sure our Shotokan Dojo is quite intensive on physical training every session but I feel I need to work on resistance somehow. I was thinking doing cardio stuff and a bit of weights (not excessive to loose all my flexibility but just to get a little more fit). What you guys do around here? Thanks in advance for your input!
  10. 2 days ago, we've been practicing Mawashi-geri (round house kicks) for a good half hour and I've never had a sore or swollen hamstring until now. It's very sensitive as I can barely walk normally (both legs hurt). How would you guys deal with this and what would you do the get the swelling down? That's too bad, I'll have to miss tonight's training
  11. I'm working hard in mastering heian godan and gain more confidence in Kumite for my next belt exam! Purple that is..
  12. (bowing towards you) Hi there! I'm from Gatineau (province of Quebec) in Canada. Geographically, that's just across the river from Ottawa I just made a comeback in Shotokan Karate (JKF) after 12 years of absence (college, family, kids, you know the rest...). I'm blue belt and looking forward to a nonstop hard and dedicated training. My oldest daughter (11 yo) has just started Karate this week as well! Very stimulating to keep on going, let me tell you! But I wish I had that flexibility and quick recovery after an intensive training... ah well... only time will tell. I just found out about this great site and look forward to contribute and enjoy the forums. Cheers!
  13. I have to go with Heian Sandan as a least favorite although there are some good techniques in there that I've grown to like from constant practicing. But I don't know... that one never grew in me for some reason..
  14. Name: Eric Style: Shotokan JKF Level: Blue Belt My purple belt exam is in about 3 months from now.. yikes!
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