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Everything posted by Karatekid04

  1. Hey um do any of you guys or gyrls know the game Deadarms? Well if your don't its a game where you and your opponent start punching each other in the arm until they say Deadarm. And well i was wondering if someone had any tips on puching really REALLY hard. Thanks.
  2. ... 567!
  3. I would know I'm still in school and well if you call the police on him than he'll try and get revenge.
  4. Try your best not to get the police, get the police and he'll try to KILL U. And if he's fat then try running or kick him behind the knee he'll fall and then he's wide open for attacks of just knee him in the butt and he'll fall and then run.
  5. I mean every time i crack my back my muscles in my back feel looser and stretched
  6. How did u fell when u first took MA?
  7. what a loser!
  8. Tae Kwon Do was practiced about 50 b.c. During this time, Korea was divided into three kingdoms: Silla, which was found on the Kyongju plain in 57 b.c.; Koguryo, found in the Yalu River Valley in 37 b.c; and Baekche, found in the southwestern area of the Korean peninsula in 18 b.c. Evidence of the practice of Taek Kyon (the earliest known form of Tae Kwon Do)
  9. fnuny LoL waht stie did you fnid tihs on?
  10. Who here does Tae Kwon Do? And do they have any tips on doing a spinning jump kick and a side kick?
  11. Thanks LoL
  12. Is cracking your back ok for you if you do TKD?
  13. White i actually started about 5 days ago
  14. I don't get it what is Shotokan, Goju Ryu, Kenpo, Kyokushin, etc? i know thier types of MA but what else?
  15. Sorry I'm new to MA and i don't yet know all the colored belts in order. What are they in order?
  16. Is it a good thing if you have good eye and hand coordintion for TKD? What can improve your eye and hand coodination?
  17. I would strike the spot right below the armpit really hard.
  18. Is it true that you souldn't move your shoulders while doing TKD? If it is why?
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