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Personal Information

  • Martial Art(s)
    Goju-Ryu, Shorei-Ryu, Shuri-Ryu, Kobudo, Judo, Shin-Kage Ryu
  • Location
    Dunlap, Illinois

Phantasmatic's Achievements

Purple Belt

Purple Belt (6/10)



  1. Aww man, that's awesome dude! Congratulations and all of the best to you and your fiancee! BTW sweet name!
  2. He is a big BJJ fan (so I am told). I have no clue what happened to the situation in regards to legal issues.
  3. Well thank you Treebranch I study Shorei-Goju Ryu karate in a small dojo with 5 other people. Our dojo is comprised of a 5th degree adult male, a 3rd degree adult male, a 2nd degree adult male, a 1st degree 17 year old male, a 17 year old brown belt male (that's me!), and an elderly purple belt. We prioritize on the physical aspects of karate (i.e sparring, kata) than we do the mental part of it. So, if you are still reading my boring paragraph that is my dojo!
  4. Thank you guys very much for the info. I'm glad to be back on the forums again!
  5. Does anyone here like Tool the band? Because if you do you might want to see a video called Maynard and the Fan '97. In 1997 the lead singer of Tool, Maynard J. Keenan, throws a fan that jumped on stage using Ippon Seoi Nage and puts him in what I think is a blood choke. After he puts him the choke on the ground, he picks up his mic and starts singing the reswt of the song! Maynard is JJ fanatic and I would reccomend everyone to try and download it off of Kazaa or Kazaa Lite K++.
  6. Do you all think that keeping balance over your center makes you generate more power (like using the waist) or would you say that pushing through the target generates more power?
  7. I agree, because protein is the muscle regenerator. Actually, certain Proteins do regenerate you muscles faster. I'm not sure what kind of proteins they are, you might want to ask a health professional.
  8. Like many people have said already, I would join a training program. In a lifting program, try to do more weight with less reps. I would suggest to have a protein bar for breakfast, I recommend MET-RX Protein Plus bars, they are a great source of protein and other nutrition. If you don't have enough money to join a gym or whatnot, try to look on the net for a workout plan that fits your needs. Watch the sites that you look at, though, the net has a lot of useless fitness crap on it! IMHO I would stay away from anabolic steroids. The only type of "steroid" (using it loosely) I would ever use would be Creatine Monohydrate.
  9. Do any of you take little sabaticals from the martial arts? Because last month i went only twice because I had my term paper to do.
  10. Creatine is very popular among people your age my man. I am 16; I used to want to take supplements, mainly Creatine or aminos, but I realized that I needed to slim down instead of bulk up! But in your case, creatine is the best way to go. It will add mass because it is a water retaining supplement.
  11. You could have a hairline fracture (fractures that omit pain but are hard to notice, run parallel with the bone usually). If I were you I would go to the good ol' orthopod to check it out! Although it is extremely hard to get a hairline fracture on a rib bone, it seems to me that it could have happened if it doesn't hurt unless you fall. I myself haven't had a fractured or broken rib, but my father works with orthopedic surgeons so I kinda know a bit 'bout bones!
  12. We have one of those at our dojo, it's really nice.
  13. Hey Iceberg, three words: protein, protein, protein, protein... oops, thats four! Eat a lot of protein to get muscle, and you know, fat IS a nutrient. lol
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