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Personal Information

  • Martial Art(s)
    Previous: TKD, a little WC Current: JKD
  • Location
    Beaverton, Oregon
  • Interests
    Apologetics, Philosophy, Martial arts, Japanese, video games, Magic tricks, etc.
  • Occupation

ShadowGoomba's Achievements

Yellow Belt

Yellow Belt (2/10)



  1. Hey, What is the best way to gain weight withought bulking out or fattening up (if it is even possible)? Thanx!
  2. Eye o' the tiger "rocky theme" (corny, classics) Vertigo by U2 Techno any hard rock
  3. I have found wing chun to be a very uniqe MA. I especially like how the kata are actually put into use, and I admit being wrong in the past when I thought that kata were useless. It nevertheless takes getting used to, after two months I am still having trouble getting down many of the moves from the first form! But like all things in life, it takes alot of practice.
  4. Has this happend to you? After giving up TKD after three years of practice, I have know studied wing chun for about a month(I have a VERY long way to go). The styles are so different that it is kind of hard to break some old habits(esp. on blocking). Did you guys ever have any trouble when you switched MA?
  5. sparring is very physically demanding and is good for conditioning. Unfortunately, my TKD school had us not block AT ALL during sparring(thus dampning the "realisim").
  6. The effects of "excitement" can be bad too, as you can get sloppy.
  7. hmmm....well MA(other than basic boxing/bashing each other over the head) started in India I belive. It was probally imported to china and then to Japan, with each country adding its own twists.
  8. Thanks for the info. I go to the gym after school on weekdays, so I guess I will try to throw in alot more cardio. There are no barbells however, so I can only use dumbells for free weight lifting. I use an althletic (aka pool) center next to school for a gym. they don't have as much as the other places but they are very reasonably priced compared to the 24 hour and bally gyms that are around my house. As for diet, for breakfast I usually have eegs or peanut butter on toast with yogurt and a fruit + orange juice or tea. Lunch is always a variable, but I try to avoid eating at any fast food restruants and avoid high fat content or any trans fat. I also try to eat a smaller portion dinners. I am almost 6 foot, and am about 158lbs. I want to get to around 155lbs and be able to at least do 3 chin ups (something that I could never do even when i was a skinny little kid).
  9. I am trying to trim down a little bit but gain (mostly upper body) streangth as well. Based on what you know, how would this turn out(I try to increase the weight by 10lbs every two weeks or so)? 50lb vertical butterfly 15 reps 3 sets Tricep/bicep machine 20 lbs with 25 reps and 3 sets for each group leg curls 60 lbs 20 reps 3 sets Lateral rows 50 lbs 15 reps 3 sets that handle bar thing that you pull down 50lbs 20 reps 3 sets squats 10-15 min of cardio with an avarage loss of 100-150 calories. Thanx!
  10. To JUST take it for looks and not for the martial aspect won't give you a great fighting basis. Tae kwon do and Wu shu often times(but not always) can give you the looks without developing SD skills. It is important to remember that to truly learn a MA you will need a lot of time and effort.
  11. Living in the "Mean streets" ( ) of suburbia, I was wondering what your opinions are on taking on a group. Intimidation plays a key role, and they also have the advantage of taking you out from behind when you are busy fighting one of their members. Wot style do you think is the best for this scenerio? How would your style stack up? As for me, I think that I would chose the lookyourshoesuntied approch.....
  12. Scott&Shelly, As mentioned before by other members, weapons play a big role. If you go looking for a fight, you can easily get more than you bargined for. Thugs won't hesitate to pull the trigger......
  13. There was once a topic awhile on this, but it was on the fear of hurting the other guy too much. If someone tries to mug me, my last concern is that of the attacker's (I wouldn't want to hurt them to the point of critical injury however). My main fear is of being too afraid of the attacker to think straight. How do you prepare against losing your cool besides having people routinely mug you?
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