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Everything posted by Rainmaker

  1. This is a tough one. A couple of thoughts I have owuld be a nicely bound journal (blank of course) with the school crest/patch embossed and you writing some parting words on the first page or two. Or a quality gi with the school patch embroidered on it. I like the idea of giving something representing the school that you personalize.
  2. I see you have listed 'thinking' as an interest of yours. Perhaps you should drop that particular interest to enhance your meditation ability.
  3. What you are referring to 'max fitness', has also been called GPP (General Physical Preparedness). You don't specialize in one area, strength or endurance, rather take a more general approach to getting yourself physically fit. For some information you might find helpful visit: https://www.crossfit.com Lots of info on the site. I am doing the workouts as perscribed that you will find there and they are outstanding.
  4. I think you have too much sugar in your diet via the weetbix, juice, powerade (I am assuming this is the drink 'Powerade" and not straight water), yogurt (plain yogurt is okay), and pasta. The key is whole foods. The least amount of processing as possible. Meat fruit and veggies. Take a look at Barry Sears 'Zone Diet' books along with the 'Paleo Diet' by Loren Cordain. Great info in both, and I have had very good results using the Zone concepts.
  5. Reasearching Goju Ryu, I found that some styles contain Chin Na. Checking out Barnes & Norble, I found some Chin-Na books (The author was Dr. Yang Jwing-Ming). I thought they looked pretty good, and I purchased one. This is not a Japanese style, rather a Chinese style. Here is a website with video's and books: http://www.superiormartialarts.com/catalog/uniform/chinnavideos.html
  6. Times change. Who in the western world would dedicate the time as you have laid out? I am not saying you are wrong, just that there are few people who would make the commitment. Time is one part of the martial art equation (from the perspective of a traditional budo style). Dedication, experience, and spirit are a few others that can negate time as a measure of rank.
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