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Everything posted by BJJShotoshe
Favourite throw
BJJShotoshe replied to Kreisi's topic in BJJ, Judo, Jujitsu, Aikido, and Grappling Martial Arts
I love the O Soto Geri, as I see many of us do! It is awesome and easy to execute! -
I have these couples in my Dojo and they have a relationship. Not that there is anything wrong with that, but it is kind of gross when they work together. It is a young couple, so they are always all over each other. I have spoken with my instructor about it and has cracked down on them, but they seem to not get it. They are not allowed to work together or anything, but they are still a distraction. Any suggestions??
these remarks can be quite annoying, but i have a system, a plan. not that i would ever want to get back at people, i just want to show them how serious martial arts is. i invite them to come to a testing with me. mostly higher rank testing, or i invite them to one of my testings. most people have the common sense to see how hard people work in martial arts then they understand and say how cool it is. they still make fun, but at least i can keep my mind at ease, i know they have seen what it can do. also, i will occasionly invite people to a free class. that gets their attention! but that is what i do. if it bothers you that much, try it.
Hello I am fairly new to this forum.
Personally, I believe that it should depend on how hard the person trains. For me, I did the training all year for one belt and that belt didn't really mean anything to me because I felt that most of my classes were lazy classes and I began to expect my belt. With this "new style" my belts mean so much to me. I know I have worked so hard for the belt over the last 3-10 months. I have really striven to the top and am better off because of it.
This is the way I look at it.... Not that I am just into karate for a belt that is black. I could buy one of those. Anyways... If you want to make it to your black belt you need low stances. I mean low stances are part of basics. And getting the Honor of shodan black belt means that you have mastered the basics. I also think they are good to tone your legs. When I "feel the burn" in my legs it makes me feel like I am actually trying, and it gives me an excuse to be lazy at school. It is good to have low stances under control. And besides they look cool. Obviously, your not going to use them in real fights because you have an 88% chance of ending up on the ground anyways, but that is a different story. Thanks!!
Here is my suggestion, simple and easy. He goes for the two-handed push You step off the the side you desire (left or right) not straight back You then take the opposite hand of the side you stepped off to He stumbles forward You smack him in the back of the head lightly making him fall You run to the nearest exit Fight over Hope you like it.
I have two questions... 1) How often do you think about Martial Arts?? 2) For 1 Billion Dollar, do you think you would be able to stop thinking about Martial Arts?? As for me... 1) I think about Martial Arts every hour of the day. 2) No Way!!! They would have to erase my brain or kill me!
What motivates you to train
BJJShotoshe replied to Samurai Shotokan's topic in General Martial Arts Discussion
The fact that I wake up every morning with this almost paralyzing pain and know why, also because I pay for this abuse. It is in my blood!! -
Hello, Shotokan karate is a type of martial art that uses primarily their hands, empyt hand. It was developed by Master Gichin Funakoshi. Shoto was his pen name. Shotokan is not a gental art but can be. One of the sayings in my Dojo is this..."Why do people in shotokan roll up their gi sleves?" answer... "because shotokan students are the only ones tough enough for it". Just a little joke. TKD was developed from a shotokan karate style. That is all about I am able to write right now. If you need anymore info fill free to ask.
guard position
BJJShotoshe replied to Vito's topic in BJJ, Judo, Jujitsu, Aikido, and Grappling Martial Arts
Sorry, I know I am not the best at knowing things, and I am a girl, but I think that if you are fast enough to put a triangle choke on or an arm bar, you should be fine. Other then that I guess that you should just hang on tight for the ride and pray to God the don't go for it. Well that is my two cents. Thanks -
Hello! This is something that I have a difficulty discussing with anyone, but I sure would like you all to offer opinions. About four months ago I was awarded my Blue Belt in BJJ. I felt very pround and honored that my head instructor would even consider making me a Blue Belt as I thought and was sure I was not ready to handle it. Recently it has come to my attention that everytime that I grapple a person I always lose unless it is someone that has less strength then I. Anyways on to the point. I was wondering a many different things.... Why would my instructor give me a Blue Belt when I am obviously not ready? Do you think he did the right thing? And do you think I am not quite prepared to hold this rank as Blue Belt? I am understanding that you all obviously no nothing about my BJJ career so I will enlighten you all just a little... I have been in BJJ for about three years. I hardly win any matches that I an involved in, this inclues all white belts. I can, however, hold out (not tapping out) for a long time when I wrestle Blue Belts. I am good at defending and not so good at the offense part. I am the only Blue Belt Female that trains at my academy at this time, we have another one but she does not train. Anywho... I would really like your opinions. Do you think I was right in thinking that I did not and do not now deserve such the honor of being a Blue Belt?? Thanks
I agree! this lesson should be taught more! I believe it humbles people and also gives self-confidence. The Higher Rankes (Green and above) get humbled because they have to clean the dojo just like the lower ranks. The lower ranks become more self-confident because they know the higher ranks are not "too good" to get down on their knees and scrub the DNA off the mats like them. Thanks for all of your replies, it has been very enlightening to read your opinions.
The Dojo I belong is in an old firehouse. How about that?? And it is part of the Brooks Township Hall. But they own it, well half of it. They pay half of the Bill to the Hall. And some of the emlpoyees at the Hall are employees at my Dojo as well. We are all just a big Dojo, Hall family. Cool Huh??
Hello If you could dye your gi any color, what color would it be. I like scarlet, no one else has it in my dojo.
How many people have to clean thier dojo after they use it?? We don't have to, but (this sounds crazy), I wish we would!! We only clean it once in a while. I mean it is cleaned by a person every week or something like that, but I think the students should do it. I mean yeah, we pay for our lessons, but it is respecting the dojo!!
keep attacking, that way they have no chance!! he he he
Looking for info.
BJJShotoshe replied to Coco's topic in BJJ, Judo, Jujitsu, Aikido, and Grappling Martial Arts
Hello! I am kind of in a hurry, but there is one question in your post that I thought I should share with you. It is just a little statistics that has been taught and rehashed in my Dojo. Here we go------------------------------------------------------------------> For females: 95% of all fights end up on the ground. (Rape position). BJJ comes in handy for this, as it is ground fighting. For males: 80% of all fights end up on the ground. (Rough up and tumble, kick a man while he is down) BJJ comes in handy as it is ground fighting. I don't care how hard you try, I have seen this many of times in my school. Two students get into fights and one ends up on top of the other punching his brains out. If the kid on the bottom has only a few moves of a brief concept of BJJ they have a good chance of getting out of the others reach. I hope this has helped a bit. I just cannot help myslef. You learn submissions, this includes, chokes, armbars, knee bars, neck cranks, heel hooks, ankle locks, key locks, etc... I could go on forever. You will also learn defenses to all of these. Also you learn how to think and react quickly, because if you don't, it could result in a submission on you. Also you improve upper body strenghth. Well I must retire. I hope you really learned something from me. -
Mine would have to be when we were kicking Tai pads against the wall that my Sensei was holding. I was doing fine, but then this guy that was in my class came in, and I had the biggest thing for him at the time, so my Sensei told me to go and instead of kicking the pad I kicked the cement wall!!! Ouch. We were doing Round House kicks! The that I liked ended up helping me out the door and laughing at me. Now he and I are just good friends.
What would you change about your style?
BJJShotoshe replied to CloudDragon's topic in General Martial Arts Discussion
I would change the fact that all of the students are required to know BJJ for Shotokan karate. How weird is that? Does it make any sense? Don't get me wrong I like BJJ more then Shotokan, but others despise it. That is pretty much it. -
Hello All! For about a month now I have observed many people asking why you have chosen to be part of the Martial Arts Realm, and to no offense, it is a good questions, but a boring one. A lot of people ask that question. Mine is not much better, but I do believe it is better. And I am sorry if this has been asked recently, if it has I would not have asked it, so here it goes.... Why did you chose to stay in Martial Arts? My answer.... I chose to stay because I find a certain peace when I enter my Dojo. A peace that I am unable to find anywhere else, even im my own home. (I know it sounds crazy) Another reason is because it has developed into a part of me. It is, so to speak, in my blood, and once it is in your blood it does not come out without first draining the blood. My spirit is lifted whenever I am in class, whether it is a hard, fastpaced class or and easygoing class. I find that if I have had the worst day of my life, I can count on Martial Arts to help me out even if it was the worst class I have ever attended. Well I sure hope you could help me and some others out by answering this question for me. Thanks a lot!
motivation for starting martial arts
BJJShotoshe replied to kle1n's topic in General Martial Arts Discussion
My motivation was my father. He wanted me to be in it, of course it was my choice. But I guess the better question is why do you stay in it? I stay in it because I have found a certain peace whenever I enter the Dojo that I can find nowhere else, not even my home. (I know it is crazy). The Martial Arts has developed as part of my blood, spirit, basically it is a big part of who I am and how I live my life. It is Better to be hated for who you are then to be loved for who you aren't! -
Hello! To be completely honest.... you should try karate or TKD, then move up to kickboxing, judo, jiu-jitsu, or boxing. The four I just mentioned are very fast paced arts and could be ever more taxing then rugy and maybe too much at the beining. karate or TKD teaches you techiques and trains you mentally. If you have any personal questions about Karate e-mail me, I know some stuff , all you have to do is ask I hope I helped!
Honestly.... Before I do anything I step back and think, unless I know it is something I have done before, and ask myself.... "What kind of impression would this leave on my honor, and is it respectful?" Another question I ask myself, this sounds stupid, when I cannot think clearly is..."What would my sensei do, or would my sensei do this?" Thos questions usually keep in in check. Something that I think will help you in you Dojo Kun search, it easier words (no offense) I had to do this. Dojo Kun: Seek Perfection of Character (will this make you better as a person?) Be Faithful (always be trustworthy. will people trust you still if you do this?) Endevor (Always finish what you star ,within reason) Respect Others (<-- this pretty much explains itslef) Refrain From Violent Behavior (don't do anything that might hurt someone in anyway unless it is absolutley necessary) I hope I help in some way.