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Everything posted by BJJShotoshe

  1. my school is affiliated with Kissaki-Kai and Vice Morris and they have very realistic bunkai you should try t style out if you want realistic!!! they have a website just type it in the yahoo bar and it will show up!
  2. so heres the deal sacrafice throws really do not work all that well unless you have the right leverage. people commonly think that a sacrafice throw is just throwing their body weight around and it isn't it is actually a technique! no kidding!
  3. Shotokan Karate-Shodan Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu- Blue Belt
  4. drop your weight forward then use your hips
  5. well, I have been studying shotokan karate for about six years and shotokan has a lot of ground work and throwing in it. It's all primarily derived from the katas we study, Bunkai. It was origianally developed to keep secret the moves that were interpreted. And by the way, how do you get to the ground most of the time? You have to strike them!
  6. we have a special class for bunkai every thursday and it is required to know bunkai for one kata everytime you test until your black belt testing that requires five katas of bunkai
  7. Well, it all depends on what you want out of the art. If you are taking it because you enjoy it then you shouldn't mind being on the ground. That is what BJJ is all about. If you are thinking you are taking it for the common sense and the defense then you are right, but then why take a year of it when you could just learn the basic escapes from the ground and invest you time in an art like Judo. Judo doesn't roll around the on ground pretty much at all. Mostly just take downs and then walk away.
  8. BJJ is not all about being on your back. We submit people with arm locks, leg locks, ankle locks, heel hooks, chokes, arm bars, and knee bars. Also, if your on your back doesn't someone have to be on top. Think about all the aspects of Jiu-Jitsu.
  9. i punch the makiwara board
  10. Heck yeah I've passed out while I was grappling. I was grappling another more experienced woman and she has a killer lapel chocke, anyways, I went out so fast I didn't even notice the transition. While I was out it was like I was dreaming. However, when I started to come around, it felt like I was swirling in a toilet bowl. My head was spinning around and around. My goodness I thought it would never stop. Anyways, don't worry about passing out in a tournament. They only way you should fell bad or ashamed about passing out is if you are being tough, You know, holding out as long as you can, then you should feel ashamed, because you know it is comming. That is bad jiu-jitsu.
  11. let see here... t.shodan1 h.shodan2 h. nidan3 h.sandan4 h.yondan5 h.godan6 tekki shodan6 bassai dai8 empi9 kanku dai10 jitte11 jion12 hangetsu13 thirteen katas before shodan level
  12. depends on the person i am fighting. if i am fighting a person i am familiar with i look where their tell sign is (the body movement that tells me when they are going to strike) because it is always constant. if i am fighting a person i have not yet fought, then i look straight into their eyes. it tells me what they are all about. after all, a fighting match is just like a conversation, just a little more violent.
  13. This is the way I see it... If the senior is respectable and honorable (no big headed about the belt they wear) then you should take them off to the side after class and discuss it with them in a calm manner and make sure you have evidence to back it up!!!! If the senior is not respectable and not honorable (really big headed, I have one in my dojo) then just faltly disagree with them in class in front of everyone, however, make sure you still have the evidence to back it up, you must be sure 150% that you are correct. Maybe when they realize they are wrong, then they will be brought back down to reality. I am really big on this as our ONE black belt who waves his belt in my face every chance he gets has set a spoken rule that high rank is always right (a bunch of crap if you ask me). But I solve his problem when I spar him and punch in the face, make him mad, and kick the living crap out of him. Crashing to earth he comes.
  14. white:takiyoku shodoan yellow: takiyoku shodan/heian shodan orange: heian shodan/heian nidan blue:heian nidan/heian sandan green:heian sandan/heian yondan purple 1: heian yondan/heian godan purple 2:heain godan/tekki shodan brown 1: tekki shodoan/bassai dai brown 2:bassai dai/empi brown 3: bassai dai/empi/jion/hangetsu/kanku dai/jintte shodan:all above katas plus Unsu/nijo shi ho
  15. Since i am in bjj and karate i find it is almost impossible to use my karate against a bjj artist, the only way i am able to at least keep the fight from turning into a wrestling match is to keep them on their feet, therefore i have to learn the counters to their sweeps.
  16. Personally, I find that it is a personal journey that each individual that is participating in the Martial Arts has to take. They, and only they will know when they have truly become a Martial Artist.
  17. Pride...ah...just one of the details in life that has to be hard to sort out. To me, pride gets in the way. Sure I have those moments in sparring where I know I have you right where I want you and I could finish you at any given second, but, while I am commending myself on what a good job I did cornering you, you just might have found out a way to corner, and I am only thinking about how well I did not how to get out of another situation that you may have spun.
  18. I believe there is a fine line between being hard on yourself and it being good and being hard on yourself and it being bad. Sometimes if you are a hard on yourself it clouds the mind and other times it clears it and allows you to focus much more clearly.
  19. Shotokan Karate: seven-including the head instructor Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu: 0-including head instructor
  20. Hip rotation, Hip vibration, lowering your stance, closed hips, proper corkscrew motions of the wrist and elbow, as well as the pendullum motion.
  21. What I have noticed in my training behavior is that when I do not train I feel lazy, fat, and mad at myself, compared to when I do train, I feel light, enlightened, and happy. I think it is just the stress training adds to your life for those few hours of training a day and then after you are done training, the stress is pretty much lifted from you and you feel free. At least that is the way I feel.
  22. My first "tornament" (if that is what you want to call it) was in a high school gym with about four judges in all. One for best kick, best kata, sparing, and best one-steps. I hated it, you won a trophey just for showing up. Anyways I took fifth in all of my divisions. My first real experience was awesome. I did some judging and score keeping, good experience. I participated in Kata and Sparing. I lost in all of my kata events, only went twice and in sparing I lost to two black belts and won against one balck belt (I am only first brown). I was the lowest rank in my division (brown and black) and I was also the only female. It was wonderful to feel the movement of intense sparing, not to mention kicking a black belts butt!
  23. I am a first brown belt in shotokan karate and a blue belt in BJJ
  24. all the time. i am in grappling and karate so i ask them what they want to see. they usually say both, so i give them this bunch of hooey from old tv shows, something that they have seen and they just turn around and say "i can do that, wanna see..."
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